- Lifehacker - Make a Quick and Dirty Sun Visor "Tripod" with Hair Bands - Clever Uses
By VitaminCM in Public bookmarks with camera tripod visor
- Eyeborg - Video Enabled Prosthetic Eye Fuels Privacy Debate | Singularity Hub
When he was a child Rob Spence lost one of his eyes in a shotgun accident. Now as an adult, Rob is a filmmaker working on a documentary called Eyeborg: a thrilling effort to replace his missing eye with a prosthetic eye equipped with a video camera that can wirelessly record everything he sees. The project is an exciting journey for the imagination, tempting us with an approaching era where prosthetic components surpass the capabilities of natural human body parts. More importantly the project joins a series of recent examples that challenge us to contemplate a world where 24/7 surveillance of everything around us is not only possible, but common.
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- Spider Holster - DSLR Camera Holster for Professionals and Prosumers
By vicarious1 in Public bookmarks with camera holster pro
- Arundel Photographica
A unique shop specialising in antique and classic cameras, everything associated with photography and cinematography and items of optical interest
By CoeurDeLion in Public bookmarks with antique arundel camera cinematography classic england optical photographica photography shop sussex
- Calibrating Camera Raw in Photoshop CS
By CoeurDeLion in Public bookmarks with calibrate camera photography photoshop raw tutorial
- Best Digital Camera: Experts recommend the best digital cameras
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with camera comparison photography reviews shopping by 2 users
- scanR
Scan, copy, and fax with your camera phone
By kapluni in Public bookmarks with camera fax phone scan
- Welcome to the Digital Camera Resource Page
The Digital Camera Resource Page has been providing unbiased digital camera reviews, news, discussion forums, buyers guides, and frequently asked questions for nearly a dozen years.
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- Scallop Imaging - 180 graders övervakningskamer
En kamera-array som tar bilder över 180 grader och stichar ihop dem till en sömlös bild
By martinostlund in Public bookmarks with camera webcam
- amazon.com Nikon Coolpix S4 6MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Zoom Camera & Photo
By aranoff in CompCamcorderPrinterToBuy with 10x 6mp camera compcamcorderprintertobuy coolpix digital nikon optical
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