- TechTrax
September 2004
TechTrax - Vol 8, Issue 1
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- Design Snack: Fresh New Servings Every Day
Since 2004, Design Snack has been presenting Cookie Awards to new web sites that boast great design and functionality. We do this to acknowledge the recipient's creativity and inspire those who need a little, shall we say, inspiration.
Since 2004, Design Snack has been presenting Cookie Awards to new web sites that boast great design and functionality. We do this to acknowledge the recipient's creativity and inspire those who need a little, shall we say, inspiration.
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- Ground Zero 4th of July 2004
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- Fuzzy logic and neural nets
still viable after all these years? - 6/10/2004 - EDN
Despite considerable marketing hype a few years ago, fuzzy logic and neural networks failed to develop traction as selling points as far as consumers were concerned. Yet, both still have their place in your engineering tool kit. The two techniques are essentially unrelated, except that they both provide control methodologies to handle highly nonlinear or poorly specified problems
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- Learnthat.com
Section 5 Review - Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Foundation - Free Computers and Software Tutorials
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- GECCO 2004 - Workshops
By solimo in Public bookmarks with gecco 2004 workshops
- gimptalk.com > - GIMP Tutorials, GIMP Galleries, Free GIMP Downloads, GIMP Brushes, GIMP Patterns, GIMP Help, GIMP Plugins, ...
GT (GimpTalk.com) was formed in 2004, in a hope that it will help the gimp users and will provide qualitative tutorials & resources, alongwith a good community forum where gimp users can discuss/help eachother. Site is currently maintained by Ali Imran (CEO GimpTalk).
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- National Engineers Week February 22-28, 2004
By orangezest in Web with 2004 22-28 engineers february national web week by 4 users
- Flash Ripple effect
This tutorial will explain how to create a simple Ripple effect in Flash MX 2004. Fla file also included.
By hamzaz in `Graphics-design > 000000swish with 000000swish 2004 effect explain flash graphics-design ripple tutorial
Results 31 - 40 for 2004
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