Engineering Standards Homepage The LANL Engineering Standards Manual implements a formal system to address LANL specific engineering requirements relative to the national codes, standards, and directives listed in Appendix G of the DOE/UC contract and unique site-specific engineering requirements. This section is to be maintained as part of the ESM in accordance with the LIR220-03-01, LANL Engineering Standards Manual.. The LANL Engineering Standards Manual implements a formal system to address LANL specific engineering requirements relative to the national codes, standards, and directives listed in Appendix G of the DOE/UC contract and unique site-specific engineering requirements. This section is to be maintained as part of the ESM in accordance with the LIR220-03-01, LANL Engineering Standards chiefconstructiondetaildraftingdrawingsenginengineeringinterpretationsmanualspecificationstandardstandardsvariances with addressengineeringformalimplementslanlmanualstandardssystem