- Center for Economic Development - CED
The Center for Economic Development (CED) is a non-governmental think tank in the economic policy area, established in 1997. It carries out economic research, analysis and elaboration of current economic legislation; develops economic policy options, advocates for proper implementation of policies and promotes the exchange of ideas and information among experts community; increases public awareness through the dissemination of findings; organizes workshops, conferences, and other public events.
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- Institute for Market Economics - IME
This private Bulgarian think-tank promotes market-oriented policies and provides analyses in economics, finance, and development
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- InvestBulgaria Agency
The mission of IBA is to help potential and existing investors explore the investment opportunities in Bulgaria and carry out greenfield investment projects in the country
InvestBulgaria Agency Home Page, invest in Bulgaria - your next move
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- Privatization Agency - Bulgaria
The Privatization Agency (PA) was established in 1992 with the Law on Privatization and Restructuring of the State -owned and Municipall - owned Enterprises. In accordance to this law the Privatization Agency was responsible for the privatization of the large enterprises while the divestment of the smaller and medium enterprises was in the competence of the line ministries. The divestment of all state owned interests was centralized at the level of the Privatization Agency with the Law on Privatization and Post - privatization Control, adopted in early 2002.
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- Sofia Weekly
Published by Sofia News Agency, novinite.com, this online newspaper provides news about Bulgaria. There are special sections on Bulgaria and the EU, on business, politics, .... The Sofia Weekly is distributed free of charge.
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