- Minerva. Storia epistemologia didattica della chimica
Il sito è dedicato alla storia, epistemologia e didattica della chimica e delle altre scienze sperimentali. Sono anche trattati i rapporti fra etica, epistemologia, conoscenza scientifica, e le questioni ambientali
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in Da Internet Explorer > Dizionari & Enciclopedie with chimica della didattica dizionari enciclopedie epistemologia minerva storia by 4 users
- Organic Chemistry Practice Problems
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chemistry chimica didattica organic practice problems
- Organic Chemistry Toolkit
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chemistry chimica didattica organic toolkit
- Organic Reaction Quizzes and Summaries
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chimica didattica organic quizzes reaction summaries
- Organic Structure Elucidation Workbook
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chimica didattica elucidation organic structure workbook
- Pesticide classification
Classified lists of acaricides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, nematicides and plant growth regulators, and alphabetical lists of other categories of pest control chemicals. A component of the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names.
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in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chimica classification didattica pesticide
- PSU Chemistry Courses
Chemistry Course Offerings
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chemistry chimica courses didattica psu
- Reaction Finder for the Organic ChemIST
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chemist chimica didattica organic reaction
- Search reusch
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chimica didattica reusch search
- Sites web utiles
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with chimica detergents didattica sites soaps utiles web
- surfactant Surfactants Virtual Library Applications
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with chimica detergents didattica library soaps surfactant surfactants virtual
- tecnologia farmaceutica tensioattivi
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with chimica detergents didattica farmaceutica soaps tecnologia tensioattivi
- TerritorioScuola OpenDirectoryProject
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with chimica detergents didattica opendirectoryproject soaps territorioscuola
- The Ozone Hole Tour Glossary of terms
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chimica didattica glossary hole ozone terms tour
- The Soap And Detergent Association
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is a trade organization which represents North American manufacturers of household, industrial and institutional cleaning products, their ingredients and finished packaging.
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in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with association chimica detergents didattica soaps
- The Soap and Detergent Association Site Map
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with association chimica detergents didattica map site soaps
- Topic Index for Organic Chemistry
in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica with chemistry chimica didattica index organic topic
- what is the difference between soaps and detergents
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in Da Internet Explorer > Chimica > Didattica > Soaps & detergents with chimica detergents didattica difference soaps
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