- Competition Commission
The CC conducts in-depth inquiries into mergers, markets and the regulation of the major regulated industries.
with anti_trust competition regulation
- CRTC Welcome Page
with broadcasting government radio telecom telecommunications telecoms tv
- Advertising Standards Authority
The Advertising Standards Authority is the independent body set up by the advertising industry to police the rules laid down in the advertising codes.
with advertising regulation
Press Office
Press Releases
with bbc press_release
- BBC Complaints
responses to any recent issue causing a large number of complaints, or to any significant issue raised by complaints (however few or many). BBC response, where appropriate, includes any clarification, correction, apology or details of action taken as a result.All complaints upheld by the Editorial Complaints Unit are also published here before being archived in quarterly reports
Responses from the BBC to complaints we have received
answers bbc complaints responses
with bbc complaints
- Broadband Stakeholder Group
The Broadband Stakeholder Group (BSG) is the UK Government's key advisory group on Broadband
broadbanduk.org, Broadband Stakeholder Group, BSG
broadband bsg group stakeholder
with broadband internet regulation
News & Events page of Committees of Advertising Practice
with advertsing regulation
Communication & Information Resource Centre Administrator
with broadcasting communication competition eu radio regulation telecom telecommunications telecoms tv by 3 users
- CIRCA - Communications Market Reviews
Communication & Information Resource Centre Administrator - Member State market reviews under the EU communications framework directives
with broadband broadcasting eu llu regulation telecom telecommunications
- Competition Appeal Tribunal
United Kingdom Competition Appeal Tribunal (“CAT”). The CAT is a specialist judicial body with cross-disciplinary expertise in law, economics, business and accountancy. Under United Kingdom law, the function of the CAT is to hear and decide appeals and other applications or claims involving competition or economic regulatory issues.
Welcome to the website of the United Kingdom Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT). The CAT is a specialist judicial body with cross-disciplinary expertise in law, economics, business and accountancy. Under United Kingdom law, the function of the CAT is to hear and decide appeals and other applications or claims involving competition or economic regulatory issues.<br><br>
and director fair for general holdings indep institute interim limited napp pharmaceutical relief request subsidiaries trading
with anti_trust competition judicial by 2 users
- Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Houses of Parliament
committees parliamentary
with committee culture government media parliament sport
- Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Home page of DCMS
Department for Culture Media and Sport is responsible for government policy on licensing, alcohol & entertainment, architecture & design, arts, broadcasting, press freedom and regulation, creative industries including film, music industry and fashion design, cultural property, education & social policy, gambling & racing, historic environment, libraries & communities, museums & g
with broadcasting film government libraries media museums sport by 2 users
- Department for Trade and Industry
DTI - What's new page
with government trade
- Digital Television
Information on the manufacturers and retailers signed up to use the logo is available on this site.
UK Government Digital Television Switchover Information
with digital tv
- ECJ Cases
ECJ judgments
with cases ecj eu law
- EDMList
Early Day Motions Database Web Site
with government parliament uk
- EFTA Court
European Free Trade Association
Unter Webhosting oder auch Nethosting versteht man die Bereitstellung von Webspace sowie die Unterbringung (Hosting) von Webseiten auf dem Webserver eines Internet Service Providers (ISP).
speicherplatz webhosting webspace
with eea efta eu
- EUROPA - Audiovisual Policy
EU Audiovisual Policy -What's new
with broadcasting radio tv
- EUROPA - Competition
Competition DG - What's New
European Commission - Competition - What's New
commission competition european
with anti_trust competition eu
- EUROPA - Data Protection
Justice and Home Affairs - Data Protection - News 2005
with data_protection privacy
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