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- First Preston Management, Inc.
First Preston specializes in the marketing and management of real estate portfolios owned by mortgage banking companies, government agencies, institutions and other clients.
First Preston specializes in the marketing and management of real estate portfolios owned by mortgage banking companies, government agencies, institutions and other clients.
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Links to calculators to help home buyers evaluate the components that factor into buying a home and getting a mortgage are provided. Links to other calculators to help explore the effects of various changes to home-buying and refinance situations are provided as well.
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Unity Bank is a New Jersey banking institution that provides top service to its members. We have free checking, customized checks, low interest loans, and sba loans all with competetive interest rates. We serve the Edison, Flemington, Clinton, North Plainfield, Springfield, Union, Highland Park, and Whitehouse Area. Stop by for information about cheap mortgages today.
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