- Geany : Home Page
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > System tools & Utilities with geany gnu home linux poítae system tools utilities by 3 users
- Geek Thoughts
Fractals with Octave: Classic Mandelbrot and Julia
in Počítače > Matematický software > Analýza dat, vykreslování funkcí > Matlab-like software > Octave with analýza dat funkcí matematický matlab-like poítae software vykreslování
- Geek Thoughts
Fractals with Octave: Original Function Studied by Gaston Julia
in Počítače > Matematický software > Analýza dat, vykreslování funkcí > Matlab-like software > Octave with analýza dat funkcí matematický matlab-like poítae software vykreslování
- Geeqie Image Viewer
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > Multimedia with geeqie gnu image linux multimedia poítae viewer
- Generating PDF with animations using LaTeX
in Počítače > TeX, LateX > PdfTeX a příprava prezentací with animations latex pdftex poítae prezentací píprava tex
- GeoGebra
in Počítače > Matematický software with geogebra matematický poítae software
- Geomview
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > Graphics with geomview gnu graphics linux poítae
- GetSimple CMS - The Fast, Extensible, and Easy Flat File Content Management System
GetSimple is an open source Simple CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of flat file XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any lite Content Management System out there. It requires no database and has a powerful plugin system that allows for unlimited expansion.
in Počítače > Internet, java & Javascript with cms getsimple internet java javascript open poítae source by 3 users
- Getting Started |
in Počítače > Augmented reality > SketchUP with augmented poítae reality sketchup
- Getting to Grips with Latex - Tables - Latex Tutorials by Andrew Roberts @ School of Computing, University of Leeds
The website of Andrew Roberts, School of Computing, University of Leeds. Research interests: Natural Language Learning (NLL), Grammar Inference, Natual Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning, Clustering.
The website of Andrew Roberts, School of Computing, University of Leeds. Research interests: Natural Language Learning (NLL), Grammar Inference, Natual Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning, Clustering.
computing grammar inference language learning leeds machine natural nlp processing research school university unsupervised
in Počítače > TeX, LateX with andrew computing latex poítae roberts school tex website
- Gftp
gFTP is a free multithreaded ftp client for *NIX based machines running X11R6 or later.
bsd client ftp gftp gtk linux solaris unix windows x11r6
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > System tools & Utilities with gftp gnu linux poítae system tools utilities by 2 users
- Gifsicle: Animated GIFs for UNIX
Gifsicle is the best dang animated-GIF creator and editor
available free for Unix.
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > Graphics with animated-gif dang editor gifsicle gnu graphics linux poítae
- Gigabyte.cz
in Počítače > Počitačové firmy (většinou v Olomouci) with firmy gigabyte.cz olomouci poitaové poítae vtinou
- Gimp.cz
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > Graphics with gimp.cz gnu graphics linux poítae
- GiNaC is Not a CAS
in Počítače > Matematický software with cas ginac matematický poítae software by 3 users
úprava instalace MiniTeXu
in Počítače > TeX, LateX > Instalace a pomocné programy with instalace latex minitexu pomocné poítae programy tex úprava
- GLE - Graphics Layout Engine
Quality Graphs, Plots, Diagrams, and Figures
GLE - Graphics Layout Engine
in Počítače > Matematický software > Analýza dat, vykreslování funkcí with analýza dat funkcí matematický poítae quality software vykreslování
- GlorAR
3D Augmented Reality Browser for iPad
in Počítače > Augmented reality with augmented browser ipad poítae reality
- GNOME Office / Gnumeric
Welcome to Gnumeric!
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > Office with gnu gnumeric linux office poítae by 5 users
- GNOME Project
The GNOME Project
in Počítače > GNU/Linux > X Window System with gnome gnu linux poítae project system window by 28 users
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