- SkyView Virtual Observatory
A Virtual Telescope from NASA's
High Energy Astrophysics Archive Research Center
A Virtual Telescope from NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Archive Research Center
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- Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Home page of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
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- Slovenská ústredná hvezdáreň Hurbanovo
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- Sluneční hodiny
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- Sluneční soustava
Meteoroidy, meteory, meteority
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- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage
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- Solar System Exploration: Planets
The Solar System Exploration Home Page is part of NASA's Office of Space Science and describes NASA's program to explore the solar system.
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- Sondy
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- South Pole Telescope
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- SpaceWeather.com
News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
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- SpaceWeatherLive.com | Real-time data and plots auroral activity | SpaceWeatherLive.com
Real-Time solar activity and auroral activity data website
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- Starry Night Education | Astronomy Software | Starry Night Online
Free online astronomy simulator. A browser based, desktop planetarium from Starry Night Education
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- Štefánikova Hvězdárna, Praha
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- Stellarium
Stellarium je virtuální planetárium, které ukazuje přesně to, co vidíte, když se podíváte na oblohu. Je snadné používat ho a je zdarma.
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- SunCalc - sun position, sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times calculator
A little online application with interactive map that shows sun movement and sunlight phases during the given day at the given location.
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- Supernova Cosmology Project
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- Teach Astronomy
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- The Chandra X-ray Observatory Center :: Gateway to the Universe of X-ray Astronomy!
Chandra X-ray Observatory Center, Gateway to the Universe of X-ray Astronomy
NASA's sophisticated telescope is specially designed to detect X-ray emission from very hot regions of the Universe.
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- The Constellations | IAU
in Fyzika > Astronomie with astronomie constellations fyzika iau
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