- Blueprint Grid CSS Generator
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- Blueprint: A CSS Framework
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- Boatman's Home: Главная
Разработка полезного ТЗ по ГОСТ 34.602
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- Brad Neuberg: How to Profile and Optimize Ajax Applications
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- Browser extensions using XUL, Part 1: Create a Firefox browser extension with user-interface features
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- Building an Ajax Memory Tree
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- bytefx :: F.A.Q & API
bytefx is a fast, lightweight and crossbrowser library with some usefull and common special effect for your page elements
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- Catterall Consulting: Thoughts on DB2 Data Clustering
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- centricle : css filters (css hacks)
Will the browser apply the rule(s)?
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- Cetus Links: Links on Objects and Components
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- Choosing a free database
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- Chris's Wiki :: blog / web / AtomReadersAndCondGet
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- CMS Watch: Content Management, Enterprise Search, and Portal Reports
CMS Watch™ provides independent evaluations of content management, records management, enterprise search, and portal solutions
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- Common Locale Data Repository
CLDR provides key building blocks for software to support the world's languages. CLDR is by far the largest and most extensive standard repository of locale data. This data is used by a wide spectrum of companies for their software internationalization an
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- Common REXX Pitfalls
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- Compare the distributed DB2 9 data servers
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- Compare the distributed DB2 UDB servers
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- Comparison of BPEL engines
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- Comparison of different SQL implementations
in Public bookmarks with _regular database development ibm oracle reference by 3 users
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