- My Place Or Yours?
The rule, years ago, was: There will be NO taxation without representation. A simple, strong and proper rule. So where did it go? Because today, if we applied that rule to our own lives, our neighborhoods, our communities and our States, we would find ourselves laughed at like hyenas.
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- No More Due Process In Ohio?
Nobody will care if someone doesn't like you and tries to defame your character by putting an unwarranted label on you. Once you get a label like this you will be treated as a person with leprosy.
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in Public bookmarks with 14th-amendment due-process liberty mike-dewine ohio populist populist-party worst-idea-ever
- Now that You could be Labeled an Enemy Combatant
Since Congress recently handed Bush the power to identify American citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants" and detain them indefinitely without charge, it's worth examining the administration's record of prisoner abuse as well as the building of stateside detention centers.
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- Open Letter to All Members of Congress
Place, once again (after a long absence), the Constitution and Bill of Rights, intact and functioning, in the halls of government and repeal the draconian legislation such as the misnamed Patriot Act, which essentially abrogates the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
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- Organized--Unorganized
Massively, seriously, formally organized outside the corruption box of of pure representative govt and its two major political parties, we can do any of the many things that have to happen so that we get our country back from the fascist superrich, corporate predators, and predator politicians...
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- Outing the Constitutional Criminals
As we see in "Freedom to Fascism", The purpose of the Federal Reserve & Income Tax is to redistribute the wealth upward and to control the civil society. The receivers of the redistributed wealth and the controllers of the society are the private owners of the Federal Reserve -- not the government....
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in Public bookmarks with aaron-russo economics federal-reserve fiat-money freedom-to-fascism income-tax irs liberty populist taxes
- Outside Looking In
The worst components of the Military Commissions Act (MCA) -- the permanent dismissal of habeas and the retroactive protection of torture/murderers -- are ex post facto law, plain and simple. The Constitution says that no ex post facto law shall be passed, period.
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- Patriot, loyalist or worse yet in assault on liberty
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is eerily similar to Germany's Enabling Act of 1933, the passage of which followed Germany's own "Sept. 11" in the burning of its parliament building, the Reichstag, on Feb. 27, 1933.
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- Political Power and its Peddlers
The peddlers in the trade of political power, so audacious, ambitious, rapacious, and criminal, have no principled position on any common affair, pandering to every interest group and political issue as it suits their political gains. Most shocking of all is their allegation that right is in favor of their wicked trade.
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in Public bookmarks with government liberty politicians power
Note: Political Power and its Peddlers
- Somebody Got to the Zebra
Robertson's Habeas Corpus ruling is not just unConstitutional -- it is anti-Constitutional. "No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed", the Constitution says.
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in Public bookmarks with bill-of-rights congress constitution democratic-party habeas-corpus judge-robertson liberty military-commissions-act nazis north-american-union populist republican-party us-constitution
- Thank you, soldier, but you needn't fight for my freedoms
I may be helping to pay the fare for the military, but I much prefer to get nothing in return. I mean nothing! Soldiers aren't fighting to defend America from enemy nations, nor are they fighting any frontlines of the war on terror. As for the idea that they are fighting for our freedoms, it borders on the ridiculous!
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in Public bookmarks with anti-war empire freedoms iraq liberty military populist populist-party troops war
- The Fed -- Jekyll Island Monster
With the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, Congress and the President unconstitutionally delegated Congress' specifically assigned duty to coin debt-free money secured by its precious metals. They delegated that duty to a privately owned corporation whose expressed intent was to print debt-based, fiat money secured only by thin air...
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in Public bookmarks with banking constitution federal-reserve federal-reserve-act liberty money populist populist-party the-fed
- The History of the Greatest Heist(s) in World History
If you are looking for justice or positive change in our government, the ballot box is not the place to look.
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in Public bookmarks with deficit federal-reserve government justice liberty populist treasury
- The Patriot Act: Another Bridge For The New World Order
War and the drive for absolute power sometimes can cause seemingly law abiding people and leaders to betray their higher ideals that they once held so dear for lesser achievements and rewards.
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- The Patriot Act: Colonial Style
Colonial StyleThe Presidential Election of 1796 was a water shed in American politics. George Washington historically declined to run for a third term. The two internal factions which had been struggling to gain the upper hand during his Presidency now developed into full-fledged, if Non Constitutional,political parties.
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in Public bookmarks with act bill history liberty of patriot populist rights
- The Shock and the Inevitable Pain from the After Bite
If we could ask our founders today, I am sure that they would tell us of the time when they tired of the lion chewing on their shoulders too. They knew that eventually the pain would become unbearable unless the lion was removed.
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in Public bookmarks with constitution founders liberty privacy
- The Torture King: Target America
With the passing of the the Military Commissions Act of 2006, almost 800 years of international precedence to protect human rights through habeas corpus law was nullified into non-existence and replaced by a new and terrifying expansion of tyrannical Executive rule.
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in Public bookmarks with bill bush domestic-security-enhancement-act geneva-conventions liberty military-commissions-act of populist rights torture us-constitution us-supreme-court
- The Troops Don't Defend Our Freedoms
How often do we hear the claim that American troops "defend our freedoms"? The claim is made often by U.S. officials and is echoed far and wide across the land by television commentators, newspaper columnists, public-school teachers, and many others.
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in Public bookmarks with anti-war constitution founding-fathers freedoms iraq liberty military orders populist populist-party troops united-states us-constitution war
- Thomas Paine: American Revolutionary
Paine was profoundly and progressively radical - way ahead of his time and what passes for "Western civilization" and mainstream thought today. He opposed slavery, promoted republicanism, abhored the monarchy, and in many ways was the founder of modern liberalism that Washington and Jefferson called that "liberal experiment, the USA.
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- To Hell with Centrism: We Must Reclaim the Inspired Edge
Rumsfeld is gone. Mehlman is gone. Delay is gone. Yet -- let's not have our progressives' version of a strutting on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier moment. Because mission has not been accomplished. For those who haven't noticed: While we were busy with other concerns, many of our rights and liberties went missing.
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