sheafrotherdon: This is my (admittedly batshit) happy place This is my (admittedly batshit) happy place SCENE: the first day back on the Atlantis set after hiatus. Joe is standing on the gateroom floor, waiting for the scene to be lit. He's reading the NYTimes. David ambles up. with joedavid
Something To Say - New Fic: RPS JF/DH The Telltale Stories in Your Eyes Fandom: RPS Pairing: Joe Flanigan/David Hewlett Rating: NC-17 Word count: ~3800 Summary: David’s eyes are very blue and his eyelashes are ridiculously long. These are things Joe’s known for years now, but he never gets tired of rediscovering them. He’s never yet managed to get tired of looking at David, and that’s what freaks him out with joedavidnc-17