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- NaughtyTube Site for "Nude" Fire Extinguisher
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- Nude Fire Extinguishers
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- Photo of Mine in May, 2009ine
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Zooomr is a social utility for friends, family and co-workers who want to communicate securely through both photos and text messages in realtime.
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- Polycarbonate
Nude Fire Extinguisher, 누드 소화기 Polycarbonate Cylinder(Bottle Shape) contains the abc Dry Chemical Powder(Nh4h2Po4 with Silicone Oil coated) or West Chemicals, Foam (AFFF or other Liquids), containing the Pressure inside about10 Kgf/cm2 Nitrogen(N2) gas. 1. Sizes : Normally, 3.0Kgs(3.75L), 2.0Kgs, 1.0kgs, 4.0Kgs, 20Kgs 2. Fire Suppression Chemical Materials : abc Dry Powder or Wet 3. Valves : Engineering Plastic(Not Metals) 4. Colors : Normally, Hot Pink, Transparent, Nude, Visible inside 5. Shapes : Normally, Plain Cylinder type, but Venus type optional 6. Gross Weights : Plus 1.3 times on the each Sizes 7. Patent Pending for this Plastic, Polycarbonate Cylinder & Valve 8. Remarks : No Pressure gauges or No Nose Hoses upto 4.0Kgs
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- Polycarbonate / FrontPage
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- Polycarbonate & Nude Fire Extinguisher Video
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