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- Fidg't: Your Social Networking Address Book
The Fidg't Visualizer allows you to play around with your network. You interface with the Visualizer through Flickr and LastFM tags, using any tag to create a Magnet. Once a Tag Magnet is created, members of the network will gravitate towards it if they have photos or music with that same Tag.This simple mechanic lets you visualize your Network in a unique way, demonstrating its Predisposition towards certain things.
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- Fischmarkt
E-Commerce rockt wieder. Wer, wie und wo die besten Fänge sind, fischen wir regelmäßig aus dem Netz.
with blog ecommerce by 4 users
- Flash Component Source File Download FLA - Menu Navigation
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with templates by 3 users
- Flash Tutorials
Welcome to the gotoAndLearn() download page. Here you can download the actual Flash video FLV files that I use on the site. This way you can view them offline and take them with you. First let's talk about how to actually download the files. If you simply click on the links below you won't be happy with the result as the browser has no idea what to do with an FLV file. You will need to right-click on the link and then choose "Save Link As" or whatever the equivalent is in your browser. This will allow you to save the FLV file to your computer.
with tutorials by 4 users
- Flash Tutorials
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- Fontblog
Die zurzeit beste Blogressource über Typografie-Kultur und Grafik-Design. Fontblog ist das Online-Journal (Weblog oder kurz Blog) von FontShop in Berlin (Bergmannstr. 102, 10961 Berlin; verantwortlicher Redakteur: Jürgen Siebert). Die Themen im Fontblog sind Grafikdesign, Typografie, Medien, Menschen und Nachrichten aus dem eigenen Haus (letzteres könnte man auch »Werbung« nennen).
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- Fontblog
Tägliche News aus der Grafikszene
Corporate Blog der FontShop AG mit täglichen News und Meinungen aus der Grafikszene
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with blog by 4 users
- Foreign Language Lesson Podcast Collection
Learning Different Languages
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- Fotoalbum in Homepage einbauen??
PSD-Tutorials.de - Forum
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- Free Textures from TextureKing
TextureKing is a project by REH3design. Throughout this site you will find a growing repository of high quality stock photos that are free for professional and personal use.
with imagelibrary by 2 users
- Free Vectors by Vecteezy!
Illustrationen, Icons zum Downloaden
Vecteezy is an index of Free Vectors available for download by some of the best designers around the world.
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- Free Web Form Templates
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Create Web Forms and Collect Responses with our State-of-the-Art Form Builder and Web Form Processing Service.
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- FreelanceSwitch Hourly Rate Calculator
What is This? We have developed this hourly rate calculator to give you a guide based on your costs, number of billable hours and desired profit. It is a simple tool for you to play with. Remember your hourly rate should always take into account factors like market demand, industry standards, skill level and experience - things that unfortunately we can't put into a calculator! Use these calculations as a guide and then modify to suit your circumstance and conditions.
with professional by 11 users
- Full flash sites Flash tutorials
tutorials on how to build a flash site
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- Full Flash Website
Part 1 - Creating the Preloader
with flash tutorials by 3 users
- Gizmodo- Gadgets
Das Gadgets-Weblog: Produkt-Designs, Trends, Tools
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- Good-Tutorials / Photoshop Tutorials + Flash Tutorials
Photoshop Tutorials
Good-Tutorials.com lists tens of thousands of tutorials for Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, and other topics.
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with tutorials by 70 users
- Graffiti Research Lab
Laser Tags. Research Lab for Graffiti
with art trends by 2 users
- Graffitit
with system:unfiled
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