- Sange
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with laatuohje
- Smashing Magazine
Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More
Smashing Magazine is an online magazine for professional Web designers and developers, with a focus on useful techniques, best practices and valuable resources.
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with css html xhtml by 77 users
- Stu Nicholls
CSSplay | Experiments with cascading style sheets | Home page
with css by 22 users
- Stu Nicholls
CSSplay | A sliding definition list menu
with css
- Tampereen kaupunki
Tiedotus - Rajapinnat - Ohjeet iframen käyttö rss:n lukuun
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with rss xhtml xml
- Test: Float structure
Test: Float structure
with css xhtml
- The W3C CSS Validation Service
The W3C CSS Validation Service
with css validation by 42 users
- TopXML
Learn XHTML Tutorial
TopXML offers XHTML articles, training, editors, tutorials and plenty of information on XHTML
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with xhtml by 2 users
- Tutorial 18
CSS Positioning, Part I - HTML with Style - Webreference.com
A tutorial that teaches how to use the fundamentals of CSS positioning.
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with css style by 3 users
- Tyyliopas
XHMTL- koodin perusteet
XHTML- opas laitoksen kotisivua varten.
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with xhtml
- Värikkyyttä
tyylisäännöstöt (style sheets, CSS) [Web-julkaisemisen opas]
with css
- Verkkojulkaiseminen, syksy 2004
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with css kurssi xhtml
- W3C QA
Quality Tips for Webmasters
with xhtml by 3 users
- W3C QA
Recommended list of DTDs you can use in your Web document
with dtd html xhtml by 8 users
- Watermarking pictures
Matti Mattila Watermarking pictures
with css
- WCAG Overview
WCAG Overview
with accessibility css html
- Weppipakki
Weppipakki on laajahko sivusto, joka tarjoaa asiakaspuolen verkkojulkaisutekniikkoihin liittyvää materiaalia, sekä muita virikkeitä Web-sivustojen ylläpitäjille.
with css xhtml
- WWW-kurssi: CSS
WWW-kurssi: CSS
with css
DOCTYPE ja sivun pohjarakenne — MofiWiki
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with css2 xhtml
- XHTML 1.1 -
with xhtml
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