- Internet
in Public bookmarks with adfærd forbrug ia internet statistics ua undersøgelse
- jQuery
The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library
in Public bookmarks with framework javascript library ria ua web2.0 by 55 users
- nearlythere
social software: About Wiki Navigation
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in Public bookmarks with blog personal ria ua web2.0 wiki
- OK/Cancel
in Public bookmarks with blog comic forums ua underholdning undersøgelse ux by 5 users
- Persona Sketching
D. Keith Robinson's Asterisk
Persona Sketching: This is something I wrote a few years back, in September 2003 to be exact. I recently had a lengthy discussion with a few folks about the use of personas
architecture art blogging books centered design hosting information media mobile music personas social t user user-centered web
in Public bookmarks with ia persona ua
- Personas
Gode råd & meninger - Dr. Lene Nielsens blog om Personas
in Public bookmarks with blog ia persona personal ua undersøgelse ux
- Pew Internet & American Life Project
Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
in Public bookmarks with adfærd forbrug ia internet statistics ua undersøgelse by 13 users
- philosophe.com Table of Contents
in Public bookmarks with adfærd ia internet ua undersøgelse
- Plone CMS
Open Source Content Management on top of Zope Web Application Server
Leading open source CMS for Content Management, Document Management and Knowledge Management. Get your intranet, portal, web site or community site up and running in minutes!
in Public bookmarks with cms free open-source ua by 30 users
- Quarry Integrated Communications - The Brand Experience Agency
Interaction Design and Usability
in Public bookmarks with ia persona ua
- scottberkun.com » #12
The art of UI prototyping
in Public bookmarks with blog ia personl prototype ua
- Synaptic Burn
David Malouf
in Public bookmarks with blog ixd personal ua ux webdesign
- Tankevirksomheden - personas
Rådgivning og produktion Tankevirksomhedens kompetencer dækker alle aspekter inden for netkommunikation. Vi har forskellig uddannelsesbaggrund, og tilsammen har vi mange års praktisk erfaring med design, struktur og indhold - elementer, der er med til at afgøre, om kommunikationen på jeres hjemmeside fungerer. Tankevirksomheden udfører både små og store opgaver inden for netkommunikation. Vi kan fungere som rådgiver, leverandør eller begge dele, alt efter jeres behov.
in Public bookmarks with design ia kursus persona ua workshop
- The Rich Web Experience
September 06 - 08, 2007
in Public bookmarks with ia konferences ria ua web2.0
- Unraveling the Mysteries of metadata and taxonomies - Boxes and Arrows
The design behind the design
in Public bookmarks with ia metadata taxonomi ua
- UPA - The Usability Professionals' Association
in Public bookmarks with ia ua ux by 5 users
- urlgreyhot
michael angeles
in Public bookmarks with design ia personal ua undersøgelse by 4 users
- Usability
How To Create Effective Personas - Robin Good's Latest News - by Dr. Lene Nielsen
in Public bookmarks with guide ia persona ua ux
- Usability In The News
in Public bookmarks with gui hci ia interaction ua undersøgelse
- User-centred design :: Flow Interactive
User experience design, research and strategy
in Public bookmarks with design ia iterativ model project præsentation ua udvikling ux
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