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- Synth Secrets
Practical snare drum synthesis
Last month, we revealed just how hideously complex the sound-producing mechanism of the snare drum can be. Nevertheless, synthesizing the sound is not as hard as it seems, as we find out with the aid of a Roland SH101...
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PWM & string sounds
Pulse-width modulation is a vital tool in achieving lush-sounding synthesized string pads - so what if your synth doesn't have it? Fear not - for PWM can itself be synthesized. Here's how...
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- Synth Secrets 12
An introduction to FM
As Gordon Reid explained last month, audio-frequency modulation of the amplitude of a signal can be a powerful synthesis tool. The possibilities expand still further when we consider what happens when you use one audio-frequency signal to modulate the frequency of another...
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An introduction to VCAs
Having laid bare the inner workings of oscillators, contour generators and filters, Gordon Reid turns his attention to something which at first sight seems entirely self-evident. Can the humble voltage-controlled amplifier really hold on any Synth Secrets?
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