- Search Engine Marketing (p)
in Spatial > Search Engine Stuff with spatial search engine stuff marketing by 2 users
- SEMPO Survey Reveals Major Shifts, Part 1
Some top-line results from SEMPO's annual SEM survey.
in Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with annual marketing results sempos spatial stuff survey top-line by 2 users
- SEMPO Survey Reveals Major Shifts, Part 1
in Spatial & ThoughtClick > Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with major marketing reveals sempo spatial stuff survey thoughtclick by 2 users
- SEOmoz _ Social Media Marketing Tactics
Jane Copland walks through 30 major social media websites and how marketers can leverage these for links, branding and control of search results. Naturally, she supplies her sharp Kiwi wit and deft sarcasm to help make the journey of reading the piece even more enjoyable.
in Spatial & ThoughtClick > Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with marketing media seomoz social spatial stuff tactics thoughtclick by 6 users
- SEOmoz | Social Media Marketing Tactics
Jane Copland walks through 30 major social media websites and how marketers can leverage these for links, branding and control of search results. Naturally, she supplies her sharp Kiwi wit and deft sarcasm to help make the journey of reading the piece even more enjoyable.
Jane Copland walks through 30 major social media websites and how marketers can leverage these for links, branding and control of search results. Naturally, she supplies her sharp Kiwi wit and deft sarcasm to help make the journey of reading the piece even more enjoyable.
in Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with copland jane major marketing social spatial stuff walks by 6 users
- StumbleUpon.com
50 Best Websites 2007 - TIME
in Spatial & ThoughtClick > Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with 2007 marketing spatial stuff thoughtclick time websites by 2 users
- StumbleUpon.com - 50 Best Websites 2007 - TIME
StumbleUpon, a startup recently snapped up by eBay, lets you tag sites you think friends should check out, and will recommend sites to you based on what other users have tagged in your areas'...
in Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with ebay marketing recently snapped spatial startup stuff stumbleupon by 2 users
- TED _ Talks _ Michael Shermer_ Why people believe strange things (video)
in Spatial & ThoughtClick > Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with marketing michael shermer spatial stuff talks ted thoughtclick by 3 users
- TED | Talks | Michael Shermer: Why people believe strange things (video)
TED Talks Why do people see the Virgin Mary on cheese sandwiches or hear demonic lyrics in "Stairway to Heaven"? Using video, images and music, professional skeptic <a href="/index.php/speakers/view/id/23" target="_blank">Michael Shermer</a> explores these and other phenomena, including UFOs and alien sightings. He offers cognitive context: In the absence of sound science, incomplete information can combine with the power of suggestion (helping us hear those Satanic lyrics in Led Zeppelin). In fact, he says, humans tend to convince ourselves to believe: We overvalue the "hits" that support our beliefs, and discount the more numerous "misses."
in Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with marketing mary people spatial stuff talks ted virgin by 3 users
- Top Useful Firefox extensions
There are thousands of add-ons and everyone will have some that they like or find useful. Some integrate search and bookmarking, others provide ways to view and take notes, some make minor, but wonderful adjustments. Here are the top useful of them...
There are thousands of add-ons and everyone will have some that they like or find useful. Some integrate search and bookmarking, others provide ways to view and take notes, some make minor, but wonderful adjustments. Here are the top useful of them...
firefox mail page sidebar sites window
in Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with add-ons everyone integrate marketing search spatial stuff thousands by 4 users
- Top Useful Firefox extensions
There are thousands of add-ons and everyone will have some that they like or find useful. Some integrate search and bookmarking, others provide ways to view and take notes, some make minor, but wonderful adjustments. Here are the top useful of them...
firefox mail page sidebar sites window
in Spatial & ThoughtClick > Spatial Current stuff > Marketing with extensions firefox marketing spatial stuff thoughtclick top by 4 users
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