- HHS - Office for Human Research Protections
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- http://home.hiwaay.net/~jmcmulle/316impact.htm
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- Intertextuality Analysis
Qualitative Methods for Management and Communication Research by David M. Boje, Ph.D.
in Research Methods > methods with communication david individual management methods qualitative research students by 2 users
- Intertextuality Analysis
Qualitative Methods for Management and Communication Research by David M. Boje, Ph.D.
in Research Methods > methods with communication david management methods newskool qualitative research skoolz by 2 users
- Intertextuality Revisited
Dialogues and Negotiations in Media Studies
in Research Methods > methods with dialogues media methods negotiations newskool research skoolz studies by 2 users
- Introduction to Case Study
in Research Methods > methods with case introduction methods newskool research skoolz study by 2 users
- Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate
in Research Methods > fallacies with art debate fallacies logical methods newskool research skoolz by 2 users
- Milestones
Section 6. 1850-1899
in Research Methods > writing and presentation with 1850-1899 methods newskool research section skoolz by 3 users
- Milestones in the history of thematic cartography, statistical graphics, and data visualization
in Research Methods > writing and presentation with cartography history methods milestones newskool research skoolz thematic by 2 users
- NoodleTools
Smart Tools, Smart Research
NoodleTools: Student research platform with MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian bibliographies, notecards, outlining
apa bibliography chicago citation cite cited format mla notecards outline plagiarism references research sources turabian works
in Research Methods > general tools and resources with general research resources smart students tools by 7 users
- NoodleTools
Smart Tools, Smart Research
NoodleTools: Student research platform with MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian bibliographies, notecards, outlining
apa bibliography chicago citation cite cited format mla notecards outline plagiarism references research sources turabian works
in Research Methods > general tools and resources with methods newskool research skoolz smart tools by 7 users
- NoodleTools
in Research Methods > general tools and resources with methods newskool noodletools research skoolz by 3 users
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- Office of Research Integrity
in Research Methods > general tools and resources with integrity methods newskool office research skoolz by 2 users
- Overview of Action Research Methodology
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- Overview of Action Research Methodology
in Research Methods > methods with action methodology methods newskool overview research skoolz by 2 users
- PA 765
Participant Observation
in Research Methods > methods with methods newskool observation participant research skoolz by 2 users
- Participatory Action Research
A menu of methods
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- Pitfalls of Data Analysis
in Research Methods > methods with analysis data methods newskool pitfalls research skoolz by 2 users
- Qualitative Content Analysis
Qualitative Content Analysis
analysis category content induction intercoder-reliability qualitative
in Research Methods > methods with analysis methods newskool qualitative research skoolz by 3 users
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