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  • Bring Your Own Device
    In today's hypercompetitive business environment, responding to business requirements as quickly as possible is the secret to business success. With applications being the lifeblood of today's businesses, ensuring application delivery in a timely manner should be the top priority of any business enterprise. Today enterprises have multiple responsibilities to meet namely enhancing business processes, boosting employee productivity and improving customer experience.
    in Public bookmarks with application balancers balancing bring controllers delivery device load own server your
  • Bring Your Own Device
    In today's hypercompetitive business environment, responding to business requirements as quickly as possible is the secret to business success. With applications being the lifeblood of today's businesses, ensuring application delivery in a timely manner should be the top priority of any business enterprise. Today enterprises have multiple responsibilities to meet namely enhancing business processes, boosting employee productivity and improving customer experience.
    in Public bookmarks with application balancers balancing bring controllers delivery device load own server your
  • Bring Your Own Device
    In the era of globalization, technological innovations have facilitated enterprises to be globally connected through the Internet. These widespread enterprises with employees working in different locations and different time zones communicate and use a number of applications through their corporate network.
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  • Bring Your Own Device
    In today’s business environment, where consumerization of IT has resulted in the popularity of the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), employees, partners, customers, contractors and guests want remote access to business applications anywhere at any time. Though ensuring remote access helps enterprises to increase productivity, it is highly necessary that enterprises make sure that security and compliance are equally maintained.
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  • Bring Your Own Device
    The global business environment today is a widely networked one with servers, storage devices, desktops, workstations, printers and telecommunication devices. Most of the large enterprises have these infrastructure housed in data centers. The corporate network with all its components makes it easy for the distantly located teams and offices to access applications and business information.
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  • Bring Your Own Device
    The growth of consumer technologies such as tablets, smartphones, iPads and iPhones and its unending journey into the IT sector have led to the consumerization of IT. Nevertheless, the global enterprises with distantly located development teams and offices and mobile workforce find it challenging to meet the ever-changing demands from the customers, and providing instant information.
    in Public bookmarks with balancers balancing bring byod device load own server ssl vpn your
  • Bring Your Own Device
    The deployment of BYOD requires being an iterative procedure-support for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for certain commodity enterprise technology such as email and collaboration systems that can set up the very base for shifting on to a mission-specific, diverse applications and an expanded scope of organization offerings.
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  • Bring Your Own Device
    In the second and the final part of this article, we will look at the solution and benefits for quickly enabling a BYOD strategy.
    in Public bookmarks with balancers balancing bring byod device load own server ssl vpn your
  • Bring Your Own Device
    Thanks to consumerization of IT, the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is in full swing. According to Gartner, “The rise of bring your own device (BYOD) programs is the single most radical shift in the economics of client computing for business since PCs invaded the workplace.” Though employees favor BYOD as it allows extended connectivity through mobile and remote access and enhance productivity, most employers are wary of embracing BYOD considering the security issues associated with it.
    in Public bookmarks with access balancers balancing bring byod device load mobile own server solution ssl vpns your
  • Bring Your Own Device
    Thanks to consumerization of IT, the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is in full swing. According to Gartner, “The rise of bring your own device (BYOD) programs is the single most radical shift in the economics of client computing for business since PCs invaded the workplace.” Though employees favor BYOD as it allows extended connectivity through mobile and remote access and enhance productivity, most employers are wary of embracing BYOD considering the security issues associated with it.
    in Public bookmarks with access balancers balancing bring byod device load mobile own server solution ssl vpns your
  • Bring Your Own Device
    The IT professionals who look forward to BYOD i.e. bring your own device concept have good news. In a recently published report by Juniper Research, an analyst firm it has been highlighted that the percentage of Smartphone’s and BYOD tablets used by employees are going to double up in the years to come. In its study named “Mobile Security Strategies: Threats, Solutions and Market Forecasts,” Juniper Research estimates that approximately 150 million employee-owned devices that are now being demonstrated in organizations are likely to exceed to 350 million and more by the year 2014.
    in Public bookmarks with access balancers bring business byod continuity desktop device load own planning remote your
  • Business continuity
    Mobile devices and mobile working are driving a major change in the enterprise. Users need to be able to work from anywhere using tablets and smart phones as business productivity tools. The changing work environment has enabled a number of employees to work remotely
    in Public bookmarks with access application availability balances business continuity load performance remote
  • Business continuity planning
    The IT professionals who look forward to BYOD i.e. bring your own device concept have good news. In a recently published report by Juniper Research, an analyst firm it has been highlighted that the percentage of Smartphone’s and BYOD tablets used by employees are going to double up in the years to come. In its study named “Mobile Security Strategies: Threats, Solutions and Market Forecasts,” Juniper Research estimates that approximately 150 million employee-owned devices that are now being demonstrated in organizations are likely to exceed to 350 million and more by the year 2014.
    in Public bookmarks with access balancers bring business byod continuity desktop device load own planning remote your
  • BYOD
    Globalization led expansion of enterprises across geographies results in increase in functions,number of workforce, customers, volume of database, IT infrastructure and network servers besides its size.
    in Public bookmarks with application balancers balancing byod controller delivery load server
  • BYOD
    Server load balancing is important for high-traffic websites to avert any kind of overloading of the connected resources and is also cost-efficient by nature. No business in this competitive market would want to overload any one server and witness slow response times. This apart, any business can attain a higher use of resources and minimize computing time.
    in Public bookmarks with application balancers balancing byod controllers delivery load server
  • BYOD
    The deployment of BYOD requires being an iterative procedure-support for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for certain commodity enterprise technology such as email and collaboration systems that can set up the very base for shifting on to a mission-specific, diverse applications and an expanded scope of organization offerings.
    in Public bookmarks with balancing bring byod device load own server ssl vpns your
  • BYOD
    This is a two part article that looks at the challenges faced by the enterprise community as a result of the consumerization of IT.
    in Public bookmarks with balancers bring byod desktop device load own remote ssl vpn your
  • BYOD
    Server load balancing can be considered as method to disseminate work load over two or more servers for attaining maximized scalability, redundancy and security. Technically, the “balancing” can be done in a software or a dedicated hardware. However, both would lead to distribution of load all over various machines. From a web server perspective, the server load balancer can be used by end users conveniently to avail one URL.
    in Public bookmarks with balancers balancing byod load server ssl vpns
  • BYOD
    Server load balancing can be considered as method to disseminate work load over two or more servers for attaining maximized scalability, redundancy and security. Technically, the “balancing” can be done in a software or a dedicated hardware. However, both would lead to distribution of load all over various machines. From a web server perspective, the server load balancer can be used by end users conveniently to avail one URL.
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  • BYOD
    The trend of personal smart phones gaining popularity is making an impact on the office environment. The consumerisation offers employees with better device choices and flexibility in where they work but in the process it is taking away control from IT teams.
    in Public bookmarks with balancers balancing bring byod device load own strategy your

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