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  • IBM Optim
    Managing data growth, privacy and security, and storage are some of the primary concerns of enterprises today. Organizations worldwide strive to improve data management and align it with their business objectives. Hence they adopt solutions like IBM Optim which directly cater to these needs. IBM Optim solutions offer great value to enterprises by improving performance, mitigating risks, and reducing costs.
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  • IBM Optim
    All organizations are required, under law, to protect the privacy of their data by ensuring they have proper procedures and systems in place to protect their information. Companies have to follow strict regulations on how to collect, store and utilize customers’ information.
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  • IBM Optim
    "In the course of its operation, an organization acquires data which eventually becomes redundant or obsolete making it necessary to retire this data to an archive store which can be easily accessed Consolidating and retiring applications enables a companys IT department reduce costs that are required to maintain legacy data. "
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  • IBM Optim
    With growing complexity of IT applications, application testing has gained paramount importance. Today organizations have the need to improve the quality and reliability of their applications and systems, and testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that these standards of quality and reliability are met. But testing itself is a time-consuming and cumbersome process.
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  • IBM Optim
    Organizations today constantly face challenges in the area of data growth and management. While data is a valuable asset to every business, managing growing volumes of data is not an easy task. Although the goal is to make use of business data for better decision-making and improved performance, most often, improper management of data defeats the very purpose of storing data, and makes it a liability rather than an asset.
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  • IBM Optim
    No matter the size or type of your organization, data plays a major role in your day-to-day operations. It can be highly significant in influencing your business decisions. However, whether your data acts as an asset or a liability to your organization will truly depend on the way you collect, store, organize, manage, and make use of your data. While most organizations do have a method of gathering and storing information in databases, often such information is unorganized and unmanaged, thus defeating the very purpose of storing information. This is why your organization needs a robust data management solution like IBM Optim.
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  • IBM Optim
    For any company that performs application testing, the process can be costly and time-consuming. However, speed and cost are not the only issues, what about reliability and quality? In order to ensure consistent and dependable results from application testing, the testing environment must be secure. IBM Optim test data management solution makes application testing easier and more secure, while also keeping the cost under control.
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  • IBM Optim Application Decommissioning Service
    IBM Optim makes application decommissioning easy and safe by providing the capability to archive data in it original business context, preserving each archived business object as an audit-ready "snapshot in time."
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  • IBM Optim Application Retirement Solution
    IBM Optim makes application decommissioning easy and safe by providing the capability to archive data in its original business context, preserving each archived business object as an audit-ready "snapshot in time.
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  • IBM Optim Application Retirement Solution
    "In the course of its operation, an organization acquires data which eventually becomes redundant or obsolete making it necessary to retire this data to an archive store which can be easily accessed Consolidating and retiring applications enables a companys IT department reduce costs that are required to maintain legacy data. "
    in Public bookmarks with application decommissioning e-business ibm optim oracle retirement solution suite
  • IBM Optim data growth solution
    ERP and CRM applications are crucial to an organization as they provide vital information collected from a variety of sources, to support business operations. While such information is undoubtedly a valuable asset to every business, organizations must be able to manage it well for it to bring about benefits to the business. Without the ability to effectively manage application data, organizations run the risk of vulnerability caused by uncontrolled data growth.
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  • IBM Optim data growth solution
    ERP and CRM applications are crucial to an organization as they provide vital information collected from a variety of sources, to support business operations. While such information is undoubtedly a valuable asset to every business, organizations must be able to manage it well for it to bring about benefits to the business. Without the ability to effectively manage application data, organizations run the risk of vulnerability caused by uncontrolled data growth.
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  • IBM Optim Data Growth Solution
    Estuate implements IBM Optim's Data Growth Solution for our clients to control their unmanaged data growth at the source, by proactively managing their enterprise application data.
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  • IBM Optim Data Growth Solution
    In this digital era, businesses are involved in collecting, storing, processing, and transmitting huge volumes of electronic data. Since electronically stored data can be highly vulnerable to security attacks, regulatory bodies have been formulating and enforcing rules that are intended to protect the privacy of information.
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  • IBM Optim data management solution
    Today with digitization and globalization data volumes are growing manifold, and businesses are finding it extremely hard to organize, manage and store data in an efficient way. Controlling, monitoring and managing its security have also become a huge challenge. In recent years, a host of data management solutions have emerged that are available to meet the needs of data management for businesses of any size affordably and at scale.
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  • IBM Optim data management solution
    Today with digitization and globalization data volumes are growing manifold, and businesses are finding it extremely hard to organize, manage and store data in an efficient way.
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  • IBM optim data privacy
    Organizations cannot afford to ignore the importance of data in today’s business context. Information is valuable to the success of every business, but only so when it is efficiently managed, safeguarded, and put to use at the right time. However, organizations are often challenged by data growth and privacy issues which tend to limit effective use of data to a large extent.
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  • IBM optim data privacy
    ERP and CRM applications are crucial to an organization as they provide vital information collected from a variety of sources, to support business operations. While such information is undoubtedly a valuable asset to every business, organizations must be able to manage it well for it to bring about benefits to the business. Without the ability to effectively manage application data, organizations run the risk of vulnerability caused by uncontrolled data growth.
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  • IBM optim data privacy
    In this digital era, businesses are involved in collecting, storing, processing, and transmitting huge volumes of electronic data. Since electronically stored data can be highly vulnerable to security attacks, regulatory bodies have been formulating and enforcing rules that are intended to protect the privacy of information.
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  • IBM Optim Data Privacy Solution
    Estuate helps implement the IBM Optim Data Privacy Solution for many clients by masking and transforming the sensitive data in their test & development systems. IBM Optim protects the privacy & security of confidential customer &; employee data & ensures compliance.
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