- The Top Ten Features to consider when choosing CMMS Software
There are lots of aspects to consider when choosing a CMMS. Whether you are a global powerhouse or a start-up just gaining steam, you need the confidence that your software systems will operate seamlessly and at top efficiency so your business can do the same. Below is a list of the top ten features your company should consider when searching for a CMMS to ensure the investment matches company needs and expectations.
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- Top Ten Steps to CMMS Deployment Success
It is possible to successfully deploy a CMMS and foster user adoption, even on the most skeptical factory floor or with the most resistant of maintenance workers. The secret is to involve stakeholders, down to the front lines, and select software that will work within the organization's culture. Here are ten steps that will lead to a successful CMMS deployment and increase the company's productivity.
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- U.S. auto makers keep plant downtime to a minimum to raise productivity
Historically, U.S. auto manufacturers Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Group have taken summer as an opportunity to perform annual maintenance, which requires entire plants to shutdown so repairs can be made.
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- Understanding when warehouse equipment should retire
One of the biggest questions in asset management is how long to keep a piece of equipment – like a forklift – in service, weighing the costs of maintenance over time with the expenses of a new product.
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- Understanding when warehouse equipment should retire
Chemists and lab maintenance technicians can all agree that safety is one of the biggest priorities in the scientific setting, however many experts are wondering if a few tragic events that have happened in the past are enough to change safety procedures in the future.
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- University confronts campus maintenance problems
Campus maintenance is an important part of operations for any university – both for beauty and safety, it's essential to the everyday goings-on of a school.
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- University of Florida falling further behind in campus maintenance
All over the campus of the University of Florida, students are complaining about problems ranging from aging water heaters and water leaks to potentially dangerous electrical cables and unstable steam lines.
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- Vigilant maintenance keeps operations set in case of emergency
Unexpected emergencies are a great enemy of those involved in maintenance – any number of outside problems can suddenly cause an entity to fall behind in their most prioritized projects, showing the need for constant vigilance.
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