- FLARE Index to treaties
Searchable index to over 1,500 of the most significant multilateral treaties. Links where available online, or where published in print
with databases treaties by 2 users
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Treaties
FCO site for UK treaties. Includes UK Treaties Online database with details of over 14,000 treaties involving the UK and links to the text of some of them eg all Command Papers in the Treaty Series from 1892 to 1996, with more recent treaties available elsewhere on the same site. Also full text and status reports for the multilateral treaties for which the UK is the legal despositary
with treaties uk
- Multilaterals Project - Fletcher School, Tufts University
Project to make available texts of treaties across a wide range of subjects including environment, rights, trade and commerce, war. PLUS links to other treaty sources
with international treaties
- UN Treaty Collection
Huge resource including United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) and Status of Treaties (MTDSG)
with treaties un
- Features - Researching Non-U.S. Treaties and Agreements
Guide from LLRX.com to finding non-US treaties. Includes links to countries making their bilateral treaties available online. Only a few countries make ALL their bilateral treaties available eg Australia, Netherlands
with treaties www
- Investment Treaty Arbitration
Portal to further information on investment treaties and awards mentained by University of Victoria Law Faculty
with cases international investment treaties www by 2 users
- UNCTAD - Investment Instruments Online
United Nations on Trade and Development. Includes compilation of about 1,800 BITs.
with investment treaties
- Hague Conference on Private International Law
with conventions international
- ICSID Database of Bilateral Investment Treaties
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes maintains a database of BITs made under its auspices. Not full text, but dates of signing and when came into force.
with investment treaties
UN Commission on International Trade Law - text of conventions and model laws emanating from the Commissions work and abstracts of cases
with cases conventions trade by 3 users
- UNCTAD - Country lists of Double Taxation Treaties
United Nations on Trade and Development. Lists of countries with dates of signing.
with tax treaties
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
with conventions international
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