Mike Stall recently completed a project to embed IronPython into the MDbg debugger as an MDbg extension. IronPython's hosting interface is pretty slick, in fact it took Mike only 10 steps to get IronPython running inside MDbg and expose the debugger functionality debugging in Public bookmarkswith ironpython
I hear IronPython is a great managed scripting language to embed in other managed apps, so I thought I'd try this out by writing an MDbg Extension to drop IronPython 0.9.1 into the MDBg Beta 2 sample. (both pieces are publicly available downloads). The codemdbgsample in Public bookmarkswith ironpython
PyBinding A new binding that allows you to embed tiny, and efficient IronPython scripts in your XAML files. This helps reduce the number of one-off value converters that tend to plague XAML based applications. in Public bookmarkswith ironpythonwpf
Pydev Pydev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and Iron Python development, making Eclipse a first class Python IDE. in Public bookmarkswith .neteclipseironpythonpython