- [RunUO RC1] Minax (the real one) - RunUO Gaming Network
Ok, here's the skimmy (yeah I said skimmy) on this release... [picture attached below because Image Shack is making me angry] Info: This is my release
with heres image picture release runuo shack skimmy wings
- 50/50 chance - RunUO Gaming Network
How would I use utility.random to generate a 50/50 chance? How do you calculate percentages? Any clues would be appreciated.
with appreciated calculate chance clues percentages runuo utility.random wings by 2 users
- 50/50 chance - RunUO Gaming Network
How would I use utility.random to generate a 50/50 chance? How do you calculate percentages? Any clues would be appreciated.
with appreciated calculate chance clues percentages runuo utility.random wings by 2 users
- A brief tutorial on patching MUL files
with brief files mul patching runuo tutorial wings
- A_Li_N's Script Pack 1.0 - RunUO Gaming Network
I have closed my shard down for the time being and figured I'd share some of the scripts I've made / highly modded with the public. This pack is for
with closed figured runuo scripts shard share time wings by 2 users
- Add Power to Wings :) - RunUO Gaming Network
Wings can look very pretty, and depending on how you design them, can have attributes, etc This file though, gives them an ability that only wings
with attributes depending design file pretty runuo though wings
- ancientbraziers - RunUO Gaming Network
these are two braziers when clicked one will spawn a bone dragon and the other will spawn a bloodgod Dragon,then the brazier will vanish . each one of
with bloodgod bone braziers clicked dragon runuo spawn wings
- Animations, Body.def, and Bodyconv.def - RunUO Gaming Network
When adding new animations to the UO client, a lot of people get hung up because they don't know about the relationship of the files body.def and
with adding animations client hung people relationship runuo wings
- Basic Monster Creation - RunUO Gaming Network
Basic Monster Creation Guide For Run UO 2.0 Rc1 Tool Inside UO To Edit Animation Sound... Inside UO SharpDevelop 2.0 Downloads @ic#code And Attached
with 2.0 basic creation guide monster rc1 runuo wings by 2 users
- Basic Monster Creation - RunUO Gaming Network
Basic Monster Creation Guide For Run UO 2.0 Rc1 Tool Inside UO To Edit Animation Sound... Inside UO SharpDevelop 2.0 Downloads @ic#code And Attached
with 2.0 basic creation guide monster rc1 runuo wings by 2 users
- CEO's MoongateLibrary - RunUO Gaming Network
Tired of creating special user gates causing gate clutter? Then this is the answer for you! This moongate library allows you store up to 96 runebooks
with causing clutter gates runuo special tired user wings
- ChampionGen Spawns Command [RunUO 2.0] - RunUO Gaming Network
Command for Generation Champion Spawn This is the command in order to generate the Champions. This command includes the new system of ChampSpawns with
with champion champions command generation order runuo spawn wings
- Changes on a resource box script - Page 2 - RunUO Gaming Network
I ok, I edited the serialize method area like you said. I also added the () around the equations in the gump you talked about. The line with the "
with edited equations gump method runuo serialize talked wings by 2 users
- Changes on a resource box script - Page 2 - RunUO Gaming Network
I ok, I edited the serialize method area like you said. I also added the () around the equations in the gump you talked about. The line with the "
with edited equations gump method runuo serialize talked wings by 2 users
- Corpse Retrieval Stone - RunUO Gaming Network
Summary: This stone was a creative idea I thought of to solve the res killing, decay, and the sinceless loss of items of one's corpse many people have
with creative idea res runuo solve stone summary wings
- Custom Animation Problem. - RunUO Gaming Network
I have a new custom animation I want to add to UO, but I can't quite figure out how to add it. It's a very simple animation, I don't even know if it
with add animation figure runuo wings
- Custom Artwork How-To - RunUO Gaming Network
Updated: 11/09/06 Update to let everyone know that Layer 9 is now used for a Talisman. (Thanks HellRazor!) If you're looking to add just artwork as in
with everyone hellrazor layer runuo talisman thanks updated wings by 3 users
- Custom Map - RunUO Gaming Network
Very sorry if this isn't the place to post this. But I know that this is custom scripts and this is a custom map. And just wanted to see if people
with map place post runuo scripts sorry wanted wings
- Custom Script Releases [Archive] - RunUO Gaming Network
[Archive] This forum is where you can release your custom scripts for other users to use. Please note: By releasing your scripts here you are submitting them to the public and as such agree to make them public domain. The RunUO Team has made its software GPL for you to use and enjoy you should do the same for anything based off of RunUO.
with archive forum note release runuo scripts users wings
- Daat99's Custom OWLTR (Ore\Wood\Leather\Tokens\Recipes) - RunUO Gaming Network
The unknown crashes problems seems to be solved now. ThanX a lot for all the people that contributed in locating and fixing the ser\deser crashes, I
with crashes people problems runuo seems solved thanx wings
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