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  • rapport rekenkamer dalende kosten windenergie op zee
    dalende kosten windenergie op zee
    with wind_op_zee
    Out to 2030,IRENA expects average LCOE of onshore wind to continue declining by 25% from 2018 levels, while offshore wind LCOE will shrink 55% from 2018. Steady growth was recorded in Europe with the Netherlands taking the lead followed by Belgium, the UK, Germany and Portugal. Total offshore wind capacity has now passed 35 GW, representing 4.8% of total global cumulative wind capacity. The Compound Annual Growth Rate for onshore wind in the next five years is 0.3% for offshore wind 31.5%. Of all renewable energies, offshore wind and wind/solar hybrid projects have the highest potential for H2 projects. costs (offshore) will decline by another third between 2020 and 2030. The massive NortH2 project aims to generate more than 10 GW by 2040.
    with wind_op_land wind_op_zee
  • Wat kost wind op zee?
    Toch is windenergie op zee de laatste jaren wel steeds goedkoper geworden. Dankzij een enorme kostendaling is het inmiddels na windenergie op land de goedkoopste grootschalige duurzame manier van elektriciteit opwekken in Nederland.
    with elektriciteitsnet kosten_en_baten wind_op_zee

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