Gone with the wind: why wind farms in Polonyna Borzhava threaten to harm both nature and humans (Ukrain Pravda 231223) Emerald Network is an ecological network made up of Areas of Special Conservation Interest.Its implementation was launched by the Council of Europe under the Bern Convention.Mountaineers and outdoorstourits from across UA come here all year.Threatened by Windturbines.environmental impact assessment(EIA).hen harrier&stock dove&osprey&peregrine falcon&cranes&chaffinches&storks.Stops Borzhava tourism.Ukrainian environmentalists wrote to Secretariat of Berne Convention,which deals with nature conservation areas.At the end of 2021:official recommendation from Standing Committee of Berne Convention which advised UA to abandon the construction of a wind power plant in Borzhava:there will be significant impact on the biodiversity interest.Ukrain with system:unfiled
Von der Leyen wil dat vergunning voor windmolens binnen een jaar wordt verleend ‘Nu is het moment om de overstap te maken naar energie van windmolens op zee.’ Nederland, België, Duitsland en Denemarken willen de komende decennia veel meer windenergie produceren op de Noordzee. Daarover praten vandaag de regeringsleiders en klimaatministers van de landen in de Deense stad Esbjerg. In totaal moeten de windparken in 2050 ten minste 150 gigawatt aan stroom opleveren, ongeveer de helft van de totale energievraag. with procedureswind_op_zee