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  • The Rising Chorus of Renewable Energy Skeptics (100423)
    Energietransitie niet haalbaar vanwege tekort aan mineralen.toxicity of rare earth mining&scarcity of critical minerals.Guillaume Pitron(F)&Simon Michaux(Au):ignored much geology,energy physics&geopolitics:short on copper&nickel&cobalt&lithium&iron&aluminum&rare minerals(dysprosium&neodymium).endless mineral abundance is a lie.current global mining footprint unsustainable.Google op "Do the Math"(Tom Murphy,191222).REE=Rare Earth Elements=Zeldzame metalen.Extracted by China&Russia against huge environmental impact.Weteringe
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  • Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth metals is located in the Kiruna area(Per Geier,120123)
    LKAB has identified significant deposits of rare earth elements in the Kiruna area, metals which are essential for, among other applications, the manufacture of electric vehicles and wind turbines.No rare earth elements are currently mined in Europe.increase more than fivefold by 2030.potential to become Europe’s most important mine for critical raw materials.vimeo filmpje. Weteringe
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  • The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions(010521)
    Minerals essential components in clean energy technologies:windturbines,electricity networks,EV's.Reliable supply of minerals:However, after the medium term, projected demand surpasses the expected supply from existing mines and projects under construction for most minerals, meaning that significant additional investment will be needed to support demand growth.REE:separation and refining operations are still heavily concentrated in China, with almost 90% market share in 2019.environmental concerns from REE processing:higher environmental standards.Ensure adequate investment in diversified sources of new supply.Scaling up recycling.Mainstreaming higher environmental and social standards.Weteringe
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