- Different special effects for text with Photoshop
with adobe effects photoshop software text tips by 14 users
- Digg - A special "Where's WALL-E" edition of Why For?
Sobre todas las apariciones cruzadas de elementos de unas películas o cortos de Pixar en otras producciones de la compañía... con la respuesta a ¿Aparece Wall-E en Rattatouille?
with humor pixar
- Digital Web Magazine - An Introduction to Client-Side XSLT: It's Not Just for Server Geeks Anymore
with css xhtml xml xslt
- Digital Web Magazine - An Introduction to Client-Side XSLT: It's Not Just for Server Geeks Anymore
with css xhtml xml xslt
- Digital Web Magazine - The Dollars and Sense of Building to Standards
with toblog
- DIME: Sending Files, Attachments, and SOAP Messages Via Direct Internet Message Encapsulation -- MSDN Magazine, December 2002
with attachment dime file soap
- Direct Link Between Cardiovascular Disease, Tooth Bacteria | Science Blog
with cardiovascular disease medicine science
- Disadvantages of HMMs
with disadvantages hidden hmm markov models
- Discovery Channel :: News :: Microbots Grow Own Muscles from Cells
with microbots nanotechnology organic
- Discovery, en True Dimensions
Modelo real, y también digital, de la nave espacial Discovery de 2001, incluyendo bahía de cápsulas, puesto de mando, y volante generador de gravedad desmontables. Su autor ha utilizado 3861 piezas, y le ha llevado algo más de un año de fabricación.
with 2001 discovery lego model spaceship
- Doctorado jLPC
with doctorado
- Doing kottke.org as a full-time job (kottke.org)
with blogging toblog
- DOSBox, DOS emulator - The Unofficial Apple Weblog - apple.weblogsinc.com +++
with gaming mac ms-dos osx software toblog
- DotNetGuru.org
with tutorial xml xquery
- Download: Get Miro
Miro es un reproductor de vídeo de código abierto, disponible para Mac, Linux y Windows, capaz de acceder a YouTube y Google Video, pero también de acceder a video podcasts, e incluso a contenidos HD, todo sin una pizca de DRM. Antiguamente conocido co
with democracy miro opensource player software video by 3 users
- Drive Cartridge fom Addonics
Saturn Hard Drive Enclosure Kit (Multi-Interface)
with hardware storage
- DrunkenBlog: Apple and x86 Questions, Part 1
with toblog
- DrunkenBlog: Behind the Red Shed, with Jonathan 'The Wolf' Rentzsch
with cocoa objective_c programming software toblog web_objects
- DVForge-Brands-MacMice-Product Detail-The Mouse BT
with bluetooth hardware mac mouse osx windows
- Dynamic Groupware Services - Modular design of tailorable groupware
with .pdf groupware research services software
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