- Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude
Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude. Includes detailed terms, interactive exercises, handouts, PowerPoints, and more!
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- Greek and Latin Root Words
with english greek latin root words by 2 users
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Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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with books english interest level low reading
- High Interest Low Vocabulary Books
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- http://www.dynamicphonics.com/dynamic_roots.pdf
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- In Britain, it's an apostrophe catastrophe
Europe- msnbc.com
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- In Praise of 9/11 First Responders
It's been said over and over, and still it bears repeating: On 9/11, when terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, murdering thousands, an untold numbers of cops, firefighters, and other first responders did what they so often do -- they headed straight into the smoke and flames, and set about trying to help victi
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- INDEX to the Guide to Grammar and Writing
with english grammar guide index writing by 2 users
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with classics english kentucky by 3 users
- Leveled Book List
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- Literature-Map
Kevin Brooks
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- Literature-Map: Zoey Dean
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- LyricFind - Home
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- Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
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- Microsoft PowerPoint
What Every-Reading Master11-08 HO - Powered by Google Docs
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- NCTE 2009
NCTE 2009 is a Ning Network
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