- Spoonfed Photoshop Tutorials - PSDTuts
in Public bookmarks with photoshop tutorials by 4 users
- Tangled Synthesis
Image collages, MP3 mixes and other projects based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series and random other interests
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- The Photoshop Guru's Handbook
for the intuitive photoshop user.
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- The Plugin Site
Adobe Photoshop plugins and plug-ins, filters and effects for Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo-Paint, Adobe Premiere
Free and commercial plugins, edges, frames, tubes, actions and other effects for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Photo-Paint, Premiere and After Effects.
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in Public bookmarks with photoshop plugins by 4 users
- The Plugin Site - Adobe Photoshop plugins and plug-ins, filters and effects for Paint Shop Pro, Corel Photo-Paint, Adobe Pre...
"The Plugin Site - your guide to image & video effects"
Free and commercial plugins, edges, frames, tubes, actions and other effects for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Photo-Paint, Premiere and After Effects.
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- TutorialMan.com
Find The Best Free Photoshop Tutorials
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- TutorialPod.com
Photoshop, Bryce, 3dsm & Cinema 4d Tutorials
Free tutorials/resources for graphics programs, including Adobe Photoshop, Corel Bryce, 3d Studio Max & Maxon Cinema 4d.
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- Tutorials 2.0
Share and Learn, More
Tutorials 2.0 provides tools that gets you right to the content through easy-to-share RSS, social tools, blogging & email.
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- Tutorials 2.0 - Share and Learn, More
Tutorials2.0 provides 2.0 tools that gets you right to the content through easy-to-share RSS, social tools, blogging & email.
Learn Photoshop, Web Design, Graphics, 3D and more
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- Unlimit-3D.com
Webmaster resource. The best spot to get photoshop and CSS tutorials.
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- vbrush.tmp.layout
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- Vecpix
Photoshop, Illustrator, flash and other vector and raster graphic designing tutorials
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Tutoriales y Efectos Photoshop
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- Welcome to Noir.org
Hirez Digital Painting!
Art Group
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- Welcome to optikVerve Labs
Home of virtualPhotographer
Adobe Photoshop plugins and filters for digital photographers on a Windows PC
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- Welcome to PhotoshopTechniques.com
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- Worth1000.com
Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy™ | home page
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- www.BakaNeko.com
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