- Making XOOPS Modules Smarter... Everyday !
The SmartFactory
[fr]La SmartFactory est la maison mère des Modules Smart et de ses différents hacks de XOOPS. Vous pourrez télécharger les derniers fichiers, participer aux forums et voir certains de nos modules live![/fr][en]The SmartFactory is the home of the Smart Modules and the different special XOOPS hacks. You can download the latest packages, participate in the forums and see some of
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- Mark Hammond's Python Extensions
"This is the home page of the Python for Windows Extensions, and a few other things that I work on."
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- Mods PwsPHP :: Archives officielles dePwsPHP
Archives officielles dePwsPHP
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- Myndworx Asylum for the Programmatically Insane › › Project List
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- Myndworx Asylum for the Programmatically Insane › News
We are a group of developers that specialize in creating/porting modules and blocks for the Dragonfly CMS. Here is a list of the projects we are working on and the ones we have planned. These are the icons associated with them, used in the topic here and
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- News : ModsCentral
The Original Module Repository for RunCms
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- Official XOOPS Development Site - Developing the future...
The XOOPS Module Development Forge is a collaboration website for the development of open-source modules for the XOOPS system
XOOPS DEV is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.
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- PyTables - Hierarchical Datasets in Python
PyTables is a package for managing hierarchical datasets and designed to efficiently and easily cope with extremely large amounts of data. You can download PyTables and use it for free. You can access documentation, some online examples and presentations
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- Python Goodies by Viktor Ferenczi
Python Goodies by Viktor Ferenczi
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- SmartFactory - Making XOOPS Modules Smarter... Everyday !
The SmartFactory is the home of the Smart modules and the different special XOOPS hacks. You can download the latest packages, participate in the forums and see some of our module live !
[fr]La SmartFactory est la maison mère des Modules Smart et de ses différents hacks de XOOPS. Vous pourrez télécharger les derniers fichiers, participer aux forums et voir certains de nos modules live![/fr][en]The SmartFactory is the home of the Smart Modules and the different special XOOPS hacks. You can download the latest packages, participate in the forums and see some of
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- SmartFactory Demo Site
Making XOOPS Smarter... everyday !
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- SmileTAG - PHP Ajax Shoutbox - The beauty of chat script
Available as general purpose version, WordPress plugin, Joomla / Mambo module, Drupal module and Serendipity plugin version, smiletag is an interactive, easy to use, mini-message board with powerful template system.
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- The Python Computer Graphics Kit
The Python Computer Graphics Kit is an Open Source software package containing a collection of Python modules, plugins and utilities that are meant to be useful for any domain where you have to deal with 3D data of any kind, be it for visualization, crea
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- theCat
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- VPython
VPython is a package that includes:
* the Python programming language,
* the IDLE interactive development environment,
* "Visual", a Python module that offers real-time 3D output,
* "Numeric", a Python module for fast processing of arrays
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in Public bookmarks with 3d graphic module open_source python by 2 users
- WolFactory - Xoops support site of the WPC
The WolFactory is the Xoops support branche of the Wolf Pack Clan.
We produce open-source free web solutions: modules, themes and hacks.
The WolFactory is the Xoops Support site of the Wolf Pack Clan.
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- XOOPS @ IBDeeming.com
Supporting the XOOPS community by creating useable Add-On Modules and Themes
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- Xoops-Magazine
pimp your XOOPS
NEWS - Current developments and trends centered around XOOPSCOMMUNITY - Information from and for the developer communityDEVELOPMENT - XOOPS programming and module developmentHOWTO - tutorials for beginnersDESIGN - Working with themes, templates, CSS and graphicsMODULES - introduction of new, helpful and interesting XOOPS modulesPRACTICE - articles from experiences and exercise: in
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in Public bookmarks with magazine module theme xoops
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