- http://www.tux.org/pub/people/kent-robotti/looplinux/rip/
in Public bookmarks with distro linux live_cd recovery repair rescue security sysadmin by 5 users
- Humorix: World Domination... One Joke at a Time
Humorix shows the lighter side of Linux, the open source operating system everyone and their brother are talking about. Jokes about Slashdot, the SCO fiasco, Microsoft, geekdom, and poorly-conceived copyright laws are thrown in for good measure. See the A
Humor and fake news about Linux, Microsoft, and Open Source.
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in Public bookmarks with humor linux
- Hydrogen: Using Linux to create slick drum beats - Onderstekop Weblog
Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux
in Public bookmarks with digital_music linux open_source sequencer
- I’m Mike
in Public bookmarks with blog blogging linux mysql programming web_dev
- Ignalum :: Linux, Embedded Linux and Open Source Solutions
Ignalum Linux OS version 9 is an intuitive graphical environment that works right out of the box and offers unrivaled compatibility with Microsoft Windows. This new release is one of the most advanced and powerful Linux systems currently available, with i
in Public bookmarks with distro linux samba server windows
- Illustrated Dual Boot Site
HomePage for Linux install website
in Public bookmarks with dual_boot linux ubuntu by 5 users
- index.xhtml
in Public bookmarks with distro linux slackware
- Information Assurance
Arudius is an information assurance (IA) Linux live CD with tools for penetration testing and vulnerability analysis. Information assurance has many other aspects besides network security. However, it seems that the mainstream public identifies informatio
in Public bookmarks with distro lamp linux live_cd
- INSERT (english pages)
INSERT is a complete, bootable linux system. It comes with a graphical user interface running the fluxbox window manager while still being sufficiently small to fit on a credit card-sized CD-ROM.
in Public bookmarks with distro knoppix linux pc recovery repair security support sysadmin by 6 users
- IPCop.org :: The bad packets stop here!
IPCop Firewall is a Linux firewall distribution geared towards home and SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) users. The IPCop interface is very user-friendly and task-based. IPCop offers the critical functionality of an expensive network appliance using stock,
in Public bookmarks with firewall freeware linux open_source by 6 users
- iplist
in Public bookmarks with firewall linux networking open_source privacy security
- ISO Master: Home
in Public bookmarks with bsd cd dvd iso linux open_source
- JCCM: MoLinux
Portal web de la distribución Molinux, JCCM
in Public bookmarks with distro es linux
- Jokosher
Jokosher is a simple yet powerful multi-track studio. With it you can create and record music, podcasts and more, all from an integrated simple environment.
in Public bookmarks with audio editing linux music open_source software by 4 users
K12 Linux Terminal Server Project
Пин-коды, карты оплаты, мини игры, голосовые открытки.
in Public bookmarks with client distro fedora linux redhat server
- Kaella - Knoppix Linux Azur
La Kaella est une distribution Linux qui tient sur un CD et fonctionne sans rien avoir à installer sur le disque dur de votre PC. Il s'agit donc d'un système d'exploitation complet, fourni avec tous les logiciels nécessaires à l'utilisation d'un PC :
in Public bookmarks with distro fr knoppix linux live_cd
- kanotix.com :: GNU Linux Live system based on Debian Sid, optimized for HD-install and high performance
Kanotix is a rock-solid Linux based on Debian, which contains the newest packages and recognizes more modern hardware than any other operating system in use today.
in Public bookmarks with debian distro linux live_cd
- KateOS Project
KateOS is a multitasking operating system which provides all that is necessary for programmers, webmasters, administrators and home users. The most important KateOS features are high efficiency, safety, reliability and low system requirements. KateOS prov
Polski Linux - KateOS Project Site
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in Public bookmarks with distro linux
- KDE Web Dev Home
This site will provide information to new and prospective users, user support, resource repositories, developer support, project schedules and information and a lot more. It will be undertaken by a team of developers and users with a goal to set a new sta
in Public bookmarks with development linux software
- KDE-Apps.org
KDE Applications Software Office Multimedia Graphic Network Printing Education Games Development Administration Scientific Security Utilities Screensaver News Forum GUI Polls Links Downloads QT Look X11 Linux
administration applications development education games graphic kde multimedia network office printing scientific secu software
in Public bookmarks with kde linux open_source software by 10 users
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