- Freespire
Freespire is a community-involved, Linux-based operating system that combines the best that free, open source software has to offer (community involved, freely distributed, open source code, etc.), but also provides users the choice of including propriet
in Public bookmarks with cnr distro free linspire linux open_source by 2 users
- FrozenTech's LiveCD Forums :: Index
in Public bookmarks with bsd linux live_cd windows
- Frugalware Linux
Let's make things Frugal!
in Public bookmarks with distro linux slackware
- Fyre: News
in Public bookmarks with fractals l-systems linux open_source
- Gambas - Gambas Almost Means Basic
Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, a bit like Visual Basic™ (but it is NOT a clone !).
basic component graphic interpreter linux object program programming visual
in Public bookmarks with development ide linux open_source programming rad vb by 4 users
- GeeXboX HomePage
GeeXboX is a free embedded Linux distribution which aims at turning your computer into a so called HTPC (Home Theater PC) or Media Center. Being a standalone LiveCD-based distribution, it's a ready to boot operating system than works on any Pentium-class
GeeXboX Homepage : a free software media center for Linux
audio center computer distribution embedded home htpc linux livecd media movie mplayer multimedia standalone theater video
in Public bookmarks with distro for:cafecurto for:fajardas for:neverlastd htpc linux live_cd media_center multimedia
- Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News
Gentoo Linux is designed for the developer, power user and enthusiast.It incorporates the latest sources and technologies (such as ReiserFS and the Portage system).
in Public bookmarks with distro gentoo linux sysadmin by 20 users
- Geomorph Home Page
Geomorph Home Page - Page d'accueil de Geomorph
in Public bookmarks with 3d cg linux open_source tool
- Glade User Interface Builder
Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment, released under the GNU GPL License.
The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using the libglade libr
in Public bookmarks with development gnome gtk gui linux open_source by 4 users
- gNewSense Official Website | Main / gNewSense
A GNU/Linux distribution, that takes all the non-free blobs out of a rather popular distribution and makes it free.
in Public bookmarks with distro free gnu linux by 3 users
- Gnofract 4D: Superior Fractal Software : Home
Gnofract 4D is a free, open source program which allows anyone to create beautiful images called fractals. The images are automatically created by the computer based on mathematical principles. These include the Mandelbrot and Julia sets and many more. Yo
in Public bookmarks with fractals graphic linux open_source python
The Free Software Desktop Project
The GNOME Project
in Public bookmarks with desktop gnome linux open_source by 28 users
- GNOME Office / Gnumeric
Welcome to Gnumeric!
in Public bookmarks with gnome linux open_source spreadsheet windows by 5 users
- GnomeFiles
GNOME/GTK+ Software Repository
The premiere GNOME/GTK+ software directory.
gnome gtk software
in Public bookmarks with directory gnome linux software by 10 users
- gnuLinEx.org
in Public bookmarks with community distro es linux
- GNUstep - Everything is so ... square and gray. - They think we are retarded. They are retarded.
GNUstep (this is a Live CD, an OS, a distribution) contains a lot of software for GNUstep, a free implementation of the OPENSTEP framework (which was also the base as Cocoa in Mac OS X). It includes an excellent application called Gorm for RAD (Apple Soft
in Public bookmarks with distro gnu linux live_cd openstep operating_system
- GoblinX Linux Homepage [First Page]
in Public bookmarks with distro linux live_cd pt_br slackware by 2 users
- Gogh - A GNU/Linux bitmap editor
Gogh is a GNU/Linux bitmap graphics editor. It is designed to work with pressure-sensitive input devices, like a Wacom tablet.
in Public bookmarks with digital_painting gnome linux software tablet
- gOS - Discover a good OS.
in Public bookmarks with distro linux ubuntu by 6 users
- GParted -- LiveCD
GParted is an industrial-strength package for creating, destroying, resizing, moving, checking and copying partitions, and the filesystems on them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing disk usage, copying data residing
disk drive editor flash hard magic manager partition stick usb
in Public bookmarks with distro linux live_cd by 5 users
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