- TheScripts - IT / Developer Network - Software Development, Programming, System Administration, Database
Thescripts.com is all about programming and software development.
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Find technology solutions, answers and experts. Topics include programming, development, networking, database, storage, hardware, software and more.
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- thinBasic Community - Index
in Public bookmarks with community forum thinbasic
- Tigris.org: Open Source Software Engineering
* Tigris.org is a mid-sized open source community focused on building better tools for collaborative software development.
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in Public bookmarks with community development open_source software tools by 5 users
- TIGSource Forums - Index
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- tuxmachines.org
Do you waddle the waddle?
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- TYPO3 Association: Home
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- Val2005_1
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- Via6
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- Vila Makers OnLine - Entrada
Comunidade Brasileira de RPG Maker [RMXP, RMVX, RM2K, RM2K3] e Makers 3D. Crie jogos 2D e 3D você mesmo com muita facilidade.
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in Public bookmarks with community pt_br rpg_maker
- w-Agora : web publishing and forum software
W-Agora is a web publishing and forum software. It allows you and your visitors to store and display messages, files, share discussions and other information on your web site.
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- Web 2.0 Workgroup
A network of Web 2.0 resources
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- Webmaster Discussion Forums
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- Webmaster Forum
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in Public bookmarks with community photo wallpaper by 47 users
- WebTuga
WebTuga: Uma comunidade nacional que pretende facilitar a vida aos utilizadores na Web.
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- Welcome to CG Channel, your CG Community Since July 2000!
CG Channel is an online destination for entertainment artists. Our mission is to inform, inspire and empower our viewers. For over a decade, CG Channel has served the entertainment production industry with news, features and community services.
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- Welcome to Dragon*Con!
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- Welcome to The Computer Graphics Society
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