- Pipes: Rewire the web
Pipes is an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. Using Pipes, you can create feeds that are more powerful, useful and relevant.
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- Planet Feed Reader
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- Reg Developer
News, reviews, analysis, and advice for software developers
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- Rocket RSS Reader
The Rocket RSS Reader is a FREE personal news & information tool that allows you to search, subscribe, read and track content from thousands of RSS & Atom newsfeeds and Weblog sources.
The News Page delivers the top stories and the latest news in market news, financial news, business news, science news, health news, technology news,
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- RSSMate
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- SharpReader RSS Aggregator
SharpReader is an RSS/Atom Aggregator for Windows, created by Luke Hutteman.
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- SimplePie
Super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP.
A super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom parser written in PHP.
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- Snarfer
free RSS reader displays any RSS and Atom news feed
Snarfer - free RSS reader displays any RSS and Atom news feed, XML feed, news feed channel. The RSS format allows quick and easy syndication of news, headlines, and more. RSS Info will keep you up to date with the latest news, tools, resources and developments of this widely supported specification.
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- The Register
Sci/Tech News for the World
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- WordPress › Planet
in Public bookmarks with aggregator blogging news wordpress by 7 users
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