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  • The Evolutionary Brand called M.E. - My Emergence on Squidoo
    Everything is about choices, everything is about decisions. The better we know ourselves, the better decisions we make. With these choices we shape our future. What is The Brand Called M.E.? BCME is all about discovering what purpose we can serve in different situations to create virtuous value streams. Once we know that, then our role - and how we play that role to create value for ourselves and others - becomes very clear. We see what value we add - and others can then see that as well.This opens up dimensions in your life that will fascinate you! BCME can help you map out your path by following a sequence of practices. Step by step, you will work out- your vision on life, - your core values, - your way of behavior, - your purpose, and- the importance ...
    with brand choices decisions development future personal self shape

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