In addition to the wide range of written instructions freely available on the Internet, there is also number of videos that are wonderful for explaining the basic and more advanced crochet techniques. - Free Learn to Crochet Videos Online - Crochet at BellaOnline bellabellaonlinecrochetfreehookhowlearnonlinepatternsvideosyarn with crochetlesson
Pets love Crochet too! How about crocheting a jacket for your beloved pooch - in this article we look at crocheting for your dog and what special features need to be taken into account when choosing the yarn for the project. - Crochet for your Dog! - Crochet at BellaOnline bellabellaonlinecrochetdogforfreejacketonlinepatternpetsweateryour with crochetlesson
Here is a pattern for a Pot Mat (or large coaster) which is inspired by the Shamrock crochet motif. These is easy to complete worked almost entirely in Single Crochet. - 'Irish Crochet' Shamrock Pot Mat - Crochet at BellaOnline bellabellaonlinecrochetfreeirishmatonlinepatternpotshamrock with crochetlesson
Teaching someone to crochet is a wonderful way of giving them a gift that will last for life. There are many other ways that teaching crochet can be of benefit, however, and one of these is to help building bridges across generations. - Teaching Crochet-a Skills Exchange - Crochet at BellaOnline bellabellaonlinecrochetcrochet-aexchangehowlearnonlineskillsteaching with crochetlesson