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  • Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI)
    The work of ZEI contributes to the solution of the problems of European integration and Europe's role in a global context through future-orientated research work; sound policy advice; fruitful dialogue between researchers and decision-makers; and innovative concepts in postgraduate education and continuing education. Through its policy advice, the Center offers fruitful dialogue between researchers and decision-makers, and provides innovative concepts in postgraduate education and continuing education. The work of ZEI integrates legal, economic, social, cultural and political issues in an interdisciplinary context
    with advocacy resource weurope
  • The Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies
    The area of research specialization of the Institute includes East-West relations after the end of the Cold War (new opportunities and risks; building of democracy and market economy), Transatlantic relations: rethinking and redefining the relationship at the political, economic, and strategic levels; and the European integration process, with a focus on the single market, the Maastricht and the Amsterdam treaties, the process of deepening and widening, flexible integration, CFSP, the Schengen process, EMU.
    Fireworks Splice HTML
    with publication resource weurope
  • International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
    The IISS is the primary source of accurate, objective information on international strategic issues for politicians and diplomats, foreign affairs analysts, international business, economists, the military, defence commentators, journalists, academics and the informed public. The Institute owes no allegiance to any government, or to any political or other organisation. The IISS, through its various activities, seeks to provide excellent information and analysis that can improve wider public understanding of international security problems and through its network, influence the development of sounder public policy
    with advocacy publication resource weurope by 3 users (all private)
  • Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
    The Research Institute for International Affairs acts in an advisory capacity to the federal government and the German Parliament on foreign and security policy issues. The Institute specializes on publications and organizing conferences on arms control and security issues, subjects of special interest during the Cold War. Topics such as the transition in Russia and Eastern Europe, the new role of Western institutions and questions related to the new global order have since been added to the research agenda. The institute has actively been engaged in international exchange on politics and international relations
    German Institute for International and Security Affairs
    affairs and for german institute international politics security swp
    with advocacy publication resource weurope
  • EuroMeSCo
    The EuroMeSCo network draws members from the thirty-five member-countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) and explores the nature, challenges and policy-relevant solutions of the region. EuroMeSCo functions both as an official confidence-building measure within the EMP and as a source of analytical expertise in the policy and security fields with which it is concerned. The network's activities are policy and security-oriented, both because it can best contribute towards the goals of the EMP in these areas and because they correspond to the primary interests of its members.
    Joomla! - el motor de portales dinámicos y sistema de administración de contenidos
    with advocacy weurope

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