- Incontxt.nl
Journalistieke programma's, (achtergrond) informatie over onderwerpen en misstanden die Nederland bezighouden.
in Public bookmarks with documentaries issues journalism radio research tv
- Institute for Women's Policy Research
in Public bookmarks with alternative issues organizations research women
- Instituut voor Maatschappelijke Innovatie
Organisatie gespecialiseerd in participatie- en communicatieopdrachten.
in Public bookmarks with communication creativity innovation issues netherlands organizations participation society
- International Forum on Globalization
A North-South research and educational institution composed of leading activists, economists, scholars, and researchers providing analyses and critiques on the cultural, social, political, and environmental impacts of economic globalization.
in Public bookmarks with activism economics globalization international issues organizations politics
- Interview-NSS
in Public bookmarks with issues marketing media netherlands opinion organizations polls research statistics surveys
- Intomart
in Public bookmarks with issues marketing media netherlands opinion organizations polls research statistics surveys
- Kohnstamm Instituut
Instituut voor onderzoek van opvoeding en onderwijs.
in Public bookmarks with education issues netherlands organizations society
- Librarians Without Borders
An organization that wants to address the vast information resource inequity existing between different regions of the world.
in Public bookmarks with international_cooperation issues librarians libraries organizations
- Living Library
The global forum for the methodology that offers you the chance to face your own stereotypes and prejudices.
in Public bookmarks with conversation debate dialogue issues prejudice racism by 2 users
- Mensenrechten.org
Site met Informatie over mensenrechten.
in Public bookmarks with human_rights issues news reference society
- Mensenrechten.startpagina.nl
in Public bookmarks with directories human_rights issues society
- MIT International Review
The MIT International Review is MIT’s first interdisciplinary journal of international affairs. MITIR aspires to support solution-oriented discourse on challenges facing our global community.
in Public bookmarks with economy globalization international issues journals politics technology by 2 users
- Movies that Matter
Stichting met als doel om met film ogen te openen voor mensenrechten.
in Public bookmarks with activism alternative film human_rights issues netherlands organizations society
- Movisie
Kenniscentrum op gebied van maatschappelijke zorg.
in Public bookmarks with informele_zorg issues netherlands organizations society stakeholders vws welfare
- Nicis
Netherlands Institute for City Innovation Studies
in Public bookmarks with cities issues netherlands nicis organizations participation research society spatial_planning urban_planning urban_regeneration urban_renewal
- Nieuw W!J
Website met inspirerende ideeën, gesprekken, informatie en meningen ter ondersteuning van een samenleving waarin alle Nederlanders zich thuis kunnen voelen, ongeacht hun verschil in afkomst en levensovertuiging
in Public bookmarks with inspiration issues netherlands religion society spirituality weblogs
- One11NL
Correspondenten en verslaggevers van diverse Nederlandse nieuwsmedia geven een stem aan gewone mensen in alle uithoeken van de wereld die iets willen oplossen, die niet bij de pakken neerzitten, die de mouwen opstropen.
in Public bookmarks with issues journalism journalists media news
- OneWorld.net
animals business consumerism consumption corporations credit debt economy environment finance investment microcredit trade
in Public bookmarks with activism environment globalization human_rights international issues portals sustainability by 5 users
- OneWorld.nl
Nederlandstalige informatiepunt over internationale samenwerking, mensenrechten en milieu.
in Public bookmarks with activism environment globalization human_rights international_cooperation issues netherlands portals sustainability by 2 users
- Osocio
Non-profit communicatie en design; social campaigns.
in Public bookmarks with activism advertising design issues marketing nonprofit weblogs
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