- Planned Communities / New Towns
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Een verzameling plannen uit de schatkamer van het Gemeentearchief van Amsterdam.
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Index of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to Parties, Organizations, Governments, Media and more from all around the world
agencies association democracy elections government media ministries organizations parties political politics resources unions
in Public bookmarks with history international politics portals reference by 4 users
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- Renaissance, The Elizabethan World
Life in Tudor England.
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- Reportret
Galerij van gereconstrueerde portretten van sleutelfiguren uit de wereldgeschiedenis, gebaseerd op historisch bronmateriaal.
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Leiden. Nationaal centrum voor archeologie.
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Weblog over cultuur rond 1900.
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A guide to (eventually) all archaeological sites both big and small that are open to the public, with accompanying information and histories.
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Guide to Britain's film and TV history.
Definitive guide to British film and TV history, with analysis, information and multimedia
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History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google 2007
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- Sir Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Movement
The Effect of Sir Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Movement onTwentieth Century Town Planning.
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- Smithsonian Magazine
Articles from the Smithsonian Institution's award-winning, monthly magazine, plus exclusive Web articles, videos, blogs, photos and more
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in Public bookmarks with archaeology art arts culture geography history magazines nature science travel by 7 users
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