- Greentech Media
Independent and insightful news in the greentech space.
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- Groenhuis.org
Weblog. Milieu, mens en geld besparen.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment finance green home tips weblogs
The International Energy Agency.
Energy Security, Growth and Sustainability through Co-operation and Outreach
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in Public bookmarks with energy environment international organizations research statistics by 4 users
International Renewable Energy Agency.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment international organizations sustainability
- Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Open Access journal with several additional features such as a blog, news, interviews, etc.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment journals media news open_access sustainability weblogs
- Kernenergie in Nederland
De geschiedenis van kernenergie in Nederland.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment history netherlands nuclear_energy
- Leonardo Energy
Global Community for Sustainable Energy Professionals.
in Public bookmarks with communities energy environment sustainability
- Life8
Web-site community for sustainable projects in water-supply, energy and agriculture.
in Public bookmarks with agriculture communities energy environment sustainability water
- Meer Met Minder
Tips voor energiebesparing op maat voor professionals en consumenten.
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- Milieu Centraal
Alles over energie en milieu en in het dagelijks leven.
in Public bookmarks with consumption energy environment home information netherlands portals reference sustainability tips by 2 users
- Mindfully.org
Mindfully.org is an organization that provides information on a wide range of environmental issues that would otherwise not be available to the general public.
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in Public bookmarks with activism directories energy environment green news sustainability by 3 users
- New Energy Report
Covering solar power, renewable energy, hydrogen power, fuel cells and more.
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- New-Energy.tv
Reportages over schone energie.
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- New-Energy.TV
Zender voor energie en klimaat.
in Public bookmarks with climate energy environment innovation news sustainability tv video
Nederlands Onderzoeksplatform Duurzame Energievoorziening. NODE is de toegangspoort en de spreekbuis van Nederlandse wetenschappers op het gebied van duurzame energievoorziening.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment netherlands organizations research science sustainability
Organisatie voor Duurzame Energie. Een landelijke vereniging van burgers voor duurzame energie.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment netherlands organizations sustainability
- Opgewekt.nu
Doel van opgewekt.nu is om iedereen in Nederland de mogelijkheid te geven om mee te denken over gebruik en toepassingen van schone(re) energie.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment green netherlands portals sustainability
- Peakoil Nederland
Stichting Peakoil Nederland is de Nederlandse tak van een internationaal non-profit netwerk van experts verenigd onder de naam ASPO met als doelstellingen: 1. Het evalueren van de wereldvoorraad van olie en gas; 2. Het bestuderen van de uitputting hiervan; waarbij economie, vraag, technologie en politiek in ogenschouw wordt genomen; 3. Het bewerkstelligen van bewustzijn over de gevolgen van fossiele uitputting voor de maatschappij.
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in Public bookmarks with energy environment netherlands organizations peakoil sustainability thinktanks weblogs
- Planet Green
Website companion for the 24-hour eco-lifestyle television network.
in Public bookmarks with energy environment green health lifestyle sustainability tv by 7 users
- Refocus
in Public bookmarks with energy environment magazines sustainability by 2 users
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