- Sir Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Movement
The Effect of Sir Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Movement onTwentieth Century Town Planning.
in Public bookmarks with architecture history new_towns persons planners urban_design urban_planning urbanism usa
- Slow Home
Initiatief om de architectuur van woningen te hervormen, zodat er duurzame buurten ontstaan waarin het aangenaam wonen is.
in Public bookmarks with alternative architecture building design green housing slow sustainability urbanism
- slowLab
in Public bookmarks with alternative architecture art design environment slow sustainability urbanism
- Smart City
A public radio talk show that brings on experts to discuss topics such as affordable housing initiatives and economic development strategies.
in Public bookmarks with architecture audio cities communities public_radio radio urban_design urban_planning usa
- Snelwegmuseum
Rijdende museum dat de snelweg met al haar randverschijnselen als een eigen wereld; een streek met een authentieke keuken, landschap, bouwstijl en traditie.
in Public bookmarks with architecture design highways landscape_architecture museums netherlands
- Space and Culture
Weblog for the International Journal of Social Spaces.
in Public bookmarks with architecture cities public_space spatial_planning urban_planning urbanism weblogs by 2 users
- Spacing magazine
Understanding Toronto's urban landscape and public spaces.
in Public bookmarks with architecture canada cities magazines spatial_planning toronto urbanism weblogs
- Stationsweb
Foto's van oude en nieuwe stations en stationsgebouwen in Nederland.
in Public bookmarks with architecture buildings history netherlands photography railwaystations subway transport
- Stichting VIBA EXPO
Landelijk platform voor humaan en ecologisch bouwen, wonen en werken.
in Public bookmarks with architecture buildings environment sustainability
- Straatprofiel.nl
Database voor straten, lanen, dijken en kades.
in Public bookmarks with architecture built_environment databases design search urbanism
- Taj Mahal
in Public bookmarks with architecture buildings
- Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia
Official site of the astonishing unfinished church in Barcelona designed.
in Public bookmarks with architecture art barcelona buildings spain
- The Ancient City of Athens
in Public bookmarks with archaeology architecture art athens cities greece history photography
- The Archi-Tourist
Wiki-based travel guide to contemporary architecture around the globe.
in Public bookmarks with architecture maps travel wiki
- The Architect's Newspaper
in Public bookmarks with architects architecture design magazines new_york news urbanism usa weblogs
- The Architect's Newspaper
in Public bookmarks with architecture magazines new_york usa by 3 users
- The Architecture Pool
in Public bookmarks with architecture flickr photography
- The Architecture Portal
Portal Wikipedia.
in Public bookmarks with architecture portals wiki wikipedia
- The Astoft collection of buildings of England
A Selection of Historic Buildings of England.
in Public bookmarks with architecture england history photography uk
- The Cool Hunter
Een van oorsprong Amerikaanse cultuurblog die nieuws brengt over de meest `hip and happening' gebouwen, ontwerpen, stijlen en trends met raakvlakken tussen architectuur en design, mode, reclame, horeca en toerisme.
cool hunter the
in Public bookmarks with architecture art culture design fashion trends weblogs by 15 users
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