- Så rundar snabbväxande bolag kompetensbristen
Computer Sweden
in Digitalization with system:unfiled
- Satellite TV with DVBlink TVsource
in Computers > HTPC > DVBLink with system:unfiled
- Sex heta digitaliseringstrender – och fyra som hunnit svalna
CIO Sweden
in Digitalization with system:unfiled
- Siemens/Vanderbilt SPC Alarm?
Add-ons / Bindings - openHAB Community
in Hus & Hem > Home Automation > OpenHAB with system:unfiled
- Siffrorna som visar att digitaliseringen tagit fart på riktigt
CIO Sweden
in Digitalization with system:unfiled
- Silicon Valley
Season 4 Episode 4: Not Hotdog (HBO) - YouTube
in Artificial Intelligence AI with system:unfiled
- SimpleCGM 2.0 beta
in Hälsa > Diabetes, Gluten > Apps and platforms with system:unfiled
- Simplify your JavaScript – Use .map(), .reduce(), and .filter()
If you’re starting in JavaScript, maybe you haven’t heard of .map(), .reduce(), and .filter(). For me, it took a while as I had to support Internet Explorer 8 until a couple years ago. But if you don’t need to be compatible with this very old browser, you have to become familiar with those methods.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with system:unfiled
- Smart skin
Electronics that stick and stretch like a temporary tattoo | News Bureau | University of Illinois
in Wearables with system:unfiled
- Snart jobbar fyra av tio mobilt - IDG.se
År 2016 är 40 procent av arbetstagarna mobila, spår analysföretaget Gartner. Mobila arbetsplatser står högt upp på många CIO:ers agenda. Enligt en färsk Gartner-rapport kommer 1,6 miljarder smartphones att säljas globalt år 2016. Fyra av tio arbetstagare kommer att vara mobila och två tredjedelar av dem kommer att ha en smartphone.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with system:unfiled
- Snart kan stockholmarna träffa doktorn hemma i soffan – via video - Computer Sweden
Nu ska videobesöken ersättas på samma sätt som fysiska besök i piloten, och vi har förändrat hela modellen så att en betydligt större del av vårdcentralernas ersättning är fast – det ska ge dem möjlighet att inte bara jaga patienter utan att investera långsiktigt, säger han.
in Hälsa > IT with system:unfiled
- Snart vet din telefon mer än din familj om hur du mår - IDG.se
Att våra smarta telefoner snappar upp information om oss är känt sedan länge, men år 2022 kommer telefonerna att känna oss bättre än våra familjer. Det spår analyshuset Gartner i sin trendspaning inför de kommande åren.
in Artificial Intelligence AI with system:unfiled
- Spending by Lines of Business Will Equal That of IT Departments | Transforming Data with Intelligence
A new report from market watcher International Data Corp. (IDC) says IT spending by lines of business will grow faster than conventional IT spending -- starting this year. IDC's Worldwide Semiannual IT Spending Guide: Line of Business projects that the share of IT spending attributable to non-IT business groups will exceed $600 billion in 2017. That's growth of 5.9 percent -- a rate IDC expects to persist through 2020.
in Digitalization with system:unfiled
- Strike the Spike - managing postprandial blood glucose levels
Diabetes Self-Management
in Barn & föräldrar with system:unfiled
- Surfplattespecial del 3 - Bästa Ipad-apparna
Bästa Ipad-apparna - IDG.se
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with system:unfiled
- Surfplattespecial del 4 - Bästa Android-apparna
Bästa Android-apparna - IDG.se
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with system:unfiled
- Svenska industriföretag riskerar bli omkörda
in Digitalization with system:unfiled
- Testing Apps on the iPhone – Developer Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
in Development > iOS iPhone iPad with system:unfiled
- The economics of MORE
The Economics of MORE Once upon a time there was a simple, ethical way for an honest ‘capitalist’ to earn money. You would invest in a company you believed in; which provided quality goods or services for which there was a market; which was managed by people you had confidence in. Your investment would provide the company with the capital it needed to get started. You would invest by buying shares in the company, and thus become a shareholder. The company would use your money to buy whatever it needed to produce the good or services; it employed people and earned their loyalty; it would sell to customers and make a profit.
in Ekonomi with system:unfiled
- The Forrester New Wave™: Conversational Computing Platforms, Q2 2018
In Forrester's evaluation of the emerging market for conversational computing platforms, we identified the seven most significant providers — Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Nuance Communications, Oracle, and Rulai — in the category and evaluated them. This report details our findings about how each vendor scored against nine criteria and where they stand in relation to each other. Application developers should use this review to select the right partners for their conversational computing platform needs.
in Artificial Intelligence AI with system:unfiled
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