- http://es.flexidict.de/
Spanish - German dictionary
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries > bidirectional with *dictionaries-glossaries *german *german-learning bidirectional dictionary spanish
- IATE multidictionary of the EU
simultaneous dictionary in all the languages of the EU
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries > multidirectional with *dictionaries-glossaries *english *french *german *german-learning *italian multidictionary multidirectional multilingual spanish by 3 users
- la-traductrice
Translation with Google, Yahoo, Reverso, Worldlingo, Linguatec
in German-learning > G-learning-tools > translation with english french german italian spanish translation by 3 users
- Language Resources Links
in German-learning > G-learning-material with *g-learning-material *german-learning french german italian languages links resources spanish
- Language Translation Services – Free Translation Tool
This text language translation tool is the most advanced available today although it's not a certified translation. This text translation tool supports up to 500 characters.
free language service services translation
in German-learning > G-learning-tools > translation with *g-learning-tools *german-learning english french italian spanish translation by 3 users
- LanguageGuide.org
Guide to grammar, vocabulary, interactive learning
in other languages with *other-languages english french grammar italian resources spanish vocabulary by 6 users
- Le lezioni fondamentali dello Spagnolo
spanish learning from italian
in other languages > spanish with grammar lessons spanish
- Leer Escuchando
Audiolibros Gratis. | Tu Portal de Audiolibros Online en Formato mp3.
in other languages > spanish with audio-book for_free gratis spanish
- LEXILOGOS : huge French dictionary portal: ~ 100 languages
French<->German,Italien,Spanish,English, -> direct multirequest of dictionaries / only links to dictionaries other languages / etymology, synonyms (thesaurus), conjugation / multidictionaries/ multitranslation sites
in German-learning > G-learning-tools with *g-learning-tools *german-learning conjugation dictionary english french german italian multidictionary multilingual spanish thesaurus by 3 users
- LEXILOGOS: francés español portale
French-Spanish dictionary portal
in other languages with *other-languages dictionary french spanish by 2 users
- LEXILOGOS: french multilingual translation site: FR DE EN SP IT DU P....
translation of sentences, direct request to several translation sites
in German-learning > G-learning-tools with *g-learning-tools *german-learning english french german italian multilingual spanish translation by 3 users
- LEXILOGOS: french multilingual dictionary site
direct request of the following multilingual dictionaries: Eurocosm, Majstro, Wictionary, from several starting languages, multilingual links
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries with *dictionaries-glossaries *english *french *german *german-learning *italian dictionary multidictionary multilingual spanish by 3 users
- Lingofox - Konjugator
in German-learning > G-learning-tools > conjugation with *g-learning-tools *german-learning conjugation english french german italian spanish
- Lingq
Community to learn languages
in other languages with community english french german italian languages spanish
- Lingro
Translation/dictionary tool/site web page is transferred to a clickable one, words can be translated by one click also complete files can be transmitted for translation
in German-learning > G-learning-tools > translation with dictionary english french german italian multidictionary multilingual spanish translation by 14 users
- Lingro
Translation/dictionary tool/site web page is transferred to a clickable one, words can be translated by one click also complete files can be transmitted for translation
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries > bidirectional with dictionary english french german italian multidictionary multilingual spanish translation by 14 users
- linguatec Sprachtechnologien
dictionary: German<->French,English , automatic reading from text in 11 languages, translation in German, English, French, Spanish
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries with *dictionaries-glossaries *english *french *german *german-learning audio dictionary spanish translation
- los 40 , radio stations
spanisch music channels , also one with only spanish music
in other languages > spanish with *other-languages radio spanish
- memomo - Vokabeltrainer
vocabulary trainer
in other languages with *other-languages english french german italian spanish vocabulary by 2 users
- memomo - Vokabeltrainer
vocabulary trainer
in German-learning > G-learning-tools > vocabulary with *g-learning-tools *german-learning english french italian spanish vocabulary by 2 users
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