- La Repubblica
daily leftist Italian newspaper / coverage: 3.070.000/ audio-, video podcasts
Repubblica.it: il quotidiano online con tutte le notizie in tempo reale. News e ultime notizie. Tutti i settori: politica, cronaca, economia, sport, esteri, scienza, tecnologia, internet, spettacoli, musica, cultura, arte, mostre, libri, dvd, vhs, concerti, cinema, attori, attrici, recensioni, chat, cucina, mappe. Le città di Repubblica: Roma, Milano, Bologna, Firenze, Palermo,
ber borsa economia foto lavoro meteo motori news notizie politica repubblica salute scuola silvio sport tecnologia università
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages audio italian journal media news video by 29 users
daily rightist/centrist italian newspaper coverage: 1,550,000/ audio- video podcasts / e-version available, non controllato di Berlusconi
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages audio italian journal media news newspaper video by 3 users
Note: neutral , probably best italian newspaper by a wide margin
- LA7.it
Video e notizie su programmi TV, sport, politica e spettacolo the most liberal TV Channel in Italy
Benvenuto su LA7.it. Scopri online la guida ai programmi tv, le news del TG, i servizi Cartapiù ddt, i forum e tutto il meglio di LA7 che non hai visto in televisione!
la7 online
in other languages > italian > media with italian italy news tv by 2 users
- LCI newschannel
french newschannel
Les Infos : l'information au quotidien et en continu. L'actualité nationale, internationale, politique, économique, culturelle, people, insolite, sciences, environnement, multimédia et high-tech. Les infos en vidéos, en images, en infographies.
actu actualités france infos international news
in other languages > french > media with france french news tv by 3 users
- Le Figaro
centre right daily French newspaper
A la Une : Retrouvez toute l'actualité en France, à l'international, l'actualité économique et politique avec Le Figaro
actualité française informations internationale sport titres une économie
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal media news newspaper video by 13 users
- Le Monde .fr
center-leftist french newspaper
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal media news newspaper video by 50 users
- Libération.fr
daily leftist French journal, / video , audio articles / also e-version
Tout savoir sur les dernières actualités politiques, monde, société, sports, écologie avec le journal en ligne Libération
informations infos liberation quotidien une
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal media news video by 11 users
- Libero ...it
weekly rightist Italian newspaper
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages italian media news newspaper politics by 2 users
- monjtquotidien
télé nouvelles pour les enfants
in other languages > french > media with france french news tv
- Nachrichten für Kinder: Blinde Kuh.de
also TV-vodcasts and and audio-podcasts of a program for childs
in German-learning > with information sources with audio children german news video
- New Europe
English weekly European News Source , carrying news and analyses from 49 countries with a particular emphasis on the EU institutions and EU-World relations. Its print edition is distributed to 66,000 readers in Europe and beyond (see media kit for more information). In addition New Europe's website has approximately 150,000 visitors per month.
in Europe with english europe news
- Newropeans Magazine
Newropeans-Magazine is a non commercial independent political web-magazine developed for the exchange of views on the future of a democratic Europe. Newropeans-Magazine is independent from all European institutions, governments, religions and political parties. Our teams, authors, contributors, collaborators, are 100% volunteers coming from vastly different cultures and countries. Unless explicitly mentioned, the articles and editorials contain the personal opinion of the authors. In order to grant its complete independence Newropeans-Magazine works without any private or public financial support
in Europe with english europe german italian news spanish
- news4kids
in German-learning > with information sources with children german news
- Newsweek.com - - MSNBC.com
weekly news magazine , features and commentary
Newsweek gets you smarter, faster about what matters most now in politics, business, environment, tech, culture, world, and health ideas, news, and trends.
in other languages > english > media with *english *other-languages english magazine media news by 16 users
- Paperball
News-search-engine English and German sources
Zeitung, News und Informationen: Die Newssuche von Paperball durchsucht für Sie die aktuellen Nachrichten von mehr als 3000 Zeitungen im Netz.
informationsportal newssuche
in German-learning > with information sources with *english *g-information-sources *german *german-learning internet-search news by 9 users
- Paperball
News-search-engine English and German sources
Zeitung, News und Informationen: Die Newssuche von Paperball durchsucht für Sie die aktuellen Nachrichten von mehr als 3000 Zeitungen im Netz.
informationsportal newssuche
in other languages > english > media with *english news by 9 users
- Presseurop
European news in 10 languages mehrsprachiges Nachrichtenportal, ausgewählte Presseartikel mit dem Schwerpunkt Europa Es wird von der Europäischen Kommission in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Konsortium unter der Leitung von Courrier international betrieben .Eine Redaktion von 10 fest angestellten Journalisten und einer Reihe von freien Mitarbeitern wertet täglich über 250 europäische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften aus, wählt Artikel mit Europabezug aus und übersetzt sie. Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Rumänisch, Spanisch und Tschechisch.
in Europe with english europe french german italian news spanish
- Presseurop
mehrsprachiges Nachrichtenportal, das ausgewählte Presseartikel mit dem Schwerpunkt Europa in zehn verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt und veröffentlicht. Es wird von der Europäischen Kommission in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Konsortium unter der Leitung von Courrier international betrieben
in Europe with english europe french german italian news spanish
- Radio France
French Radio concern / news, audio podcasts
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french media news podcast radio by 9 users
- Rai Replay
in other languages > italian > media with italian italy media-center news tv
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