- EUROPE1 .fr
French radio station / news , audio, video- podcasts
découvrez heure par heure les grands titres de l'actualité nationale et internationale sur le portail Europe1 et informez vous en ligne grâce au podcast de l'actualité
actualité europe française internationale ligne radio web
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french media news podcast radio video by 6 users
- Europeana
European digital library
in Europe with audio europe images text video by 11 users
- France 2 : télévision
homepage of French TV Channel, news, video , audio
France2.fr : site de la chaîne de télévision France2. Retrouvez les sites, les vidéos et les forums des émissions, les jts en vidéo, l’actualité française et internationale en direct, l’information sportive en continu, la météo.
actu actualité emission franc france france2 info sport tele television télé télévision télévisions video vidéos émiss
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french media news tv video by 8 users
- Frenchie: Links to French language, Podcasts
in other languages > french with *french *other-languages audio france french links
- Goethe-Institut - Deutsch lernen im Internet
in German-learning > G-learning-material with *g-learning-material *german-learning audio exercises german lessons links text video
- International Herald Tribune
daily international newspaper
Find global breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, cars & more.
breaking business circuits cybertimes daily iht international money national news newspaper politics science technology your
in other languages > english > media with *english *other-languages audio english international media news newspaper by 31 users
- L'Express.fr
weekly French news journal, left-of-center orientation?
Retrouvez toute l'actualité et l'information en direct sur LExpress.fr, l'actualité politique mais aussi économique, culturelle, sportive, Media et People, High Tech, Environnement
actualité barbier christophe culture high-tech information lexpress lexpress.fr ligne politique quotidien so sport économie
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal magazine media news video by 3 users
- La Repubblica
daily leftist Italian newspaper / coverage: 3.070.000/ audio-, video podcasts
Repubblica.it: il quotidiano online con tutte le notizie in tempo reale. News e ultime notizie. Tutti i settori: politica, cronaca, economia, sport, esteri, scienza, tecnologia, internet, spettacoli, musica, cultura, arte, mostre, libri, dvd, vhs, concerti, cinema, attori, attrici, recensioni, chat, cucina, mappe. Le città di Repubblica: Roma, Milano, Bologna, Firenze, Palermo,
ber borsa economia foto lavoro meteo motori news notizie politica repubblica salute scuola silvio sport tecnologia università
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages audio italian journal media news video by 29 users
daily rightist/centrist italian newspaper coverage: 1,550,000/ audio- video podcasts / e-version available, non controllato di Berlusconi
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages audio italian journal media news newspaper video by 3 users
Note: neutral , probably best italian newspaper by a wide margin
- Le Figaro
centre right daily French newspaper
A la Une : Retrouvez toute l'actualité en France, à l'international, l'actualité économique et politique avec Le Figaro
actualité française informations internationale sport titres une économie
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal media news newspaper video by 13 users
- Le Monde .fr
center-leftist french newspaper
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal media news newspaper video by 50 users
- Libération.fr
daily leftist French journal, / video , audio articles / also e-version
Tout savoir sur les dernières actualités politiques, monde, société, sports, écologie avec le journal en ligne Libération
informations infos liberation quotidien une
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french journal media news video by 11 users
- linguatec Sprachtechnologien
dictionary: German<->French,English , automatic reading from text in 11 languages, translation in German, English, French, Spanish
in German-learning > directories , dictionaries, glossaries with *dictionaries-glossaries *english *french *german *german-learning audio dictionary spanish translation
- Nachrichten für Kinder: Blinde Kuh.de
also TV-vodcasts and and audio-podcasts of a program for childs
in German-learning > with information sources with audio children german news video
- online guide to french essentials, of University of Hongkong
in other languages > french with audio french grammar phonetic video vocabulary
- Radio France
French Radio concern / news, audio podcasts
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french media news podcast radio by 9 users
- RAI.it
main italian media concern, radio, TV
in other languages > italian > media with *italian *other-languages audio italian media news other-languages podcast radio tv video
- RFI - Langue française - apprendre
learning French language
in other languages > french with *french *other-languages audio french media news other-languages podcast by 3 users
- RFI - Radio France Internationale
Suivez toute l'information politique, culturelle, sportive en direct et en continu sur RFI. Les dernières informations, news et actualités en France et à l'international.
in other languages > french > media with *french *other-languages audio french media news other-languages radio
- SWR3.de - ComixBase
funny audio scetches of the most popular german radio station, for funny learning German
in German-learning > G-learning-material > audio with *g-learning-material *german-learning audio german podcast
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