- Books and Music That Make You Dumb - Digits - WSJ.com
With his two Web sites (which have crashed from too much traffic), Booksthatmakeyoudumb.com and Musicthatmakesyoudumb.com, Griffith used aggregated Facebook data about the favorite bands and books among students of various colleges and plotted them against the average SAT scores at those schools, creating a tongue-in-cheek statistical look at taste and intelligence.
in Public bookmarks with books dumb facebook music statistics taste
- Browser News Statistics - Resolution Trends - see how many use which resolutions
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- Browser stats (kottke.org)
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- Browser stats (kottke.org)
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- Browsers Preferred by Weblog Readers (Jeremy Zawodny's blog)
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- ClickTale Blog » Unfolding the Fold
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- Demographics and Statistics For Web Designers - DreamInk Web Design Tutorial
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- e-consultancy.com : Statistics
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- Email client popularity - Email Stats & Reports - Email Clients - Campaign Monitor
February 2009 - With the addition of email client reports for all our customers, we took a step back and analyzed 6 months of data covering more than 250 million opens. The result - a birds eye view of email client popularity and usage trends over time.
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- evolt.org - Real-World Browser Size Stats, Part II
in Public bookmarks with browser ii part real-world size statistics stats
- Gallery of Data Visualization - Historical Milestones
in Public bookmarks with data design gallery historical infographics information milestones statistics visualization by 3 users
- Gerd Arntz Web Archive
Gerd Arntz designed around 4000 signs, which symbolized key data from industry, demographics, politics and economy, for the visual language Isotype.
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- Global Internet Statistics (by Language)
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- Google Code: Web Authoring Statistics
in Public bookmarks with authoring code elements google html statistics web by 4 users
- Google Press Center: Zeitgeist
in Public bookmarks with google interesting queries search statistics zeitgeist by 24 users
- Hit Counter 2.0, or "Web 2.0 Metrics" (by Jeremy Zawodny)
in Public bookmarks with analytics counter hit jeremy statistics web20 zawodny
- Hypergene MediaBlog
in Public bookmarks with analysis blog hypergene journalism log mediablog participatory referals statistics
- Macromedia - Macromedia Flash Player : Statistics
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- Marginal Revolution: The African Cliff
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- Market share for browsers, operating systems and search engines
Top Browser Share Trend
in Public bookmarks with browser market penetration share statistics stats trend usage by 2 users
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