- Inline formatting model
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- Link Specificity
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- meyerweb.com
in Public bookmarks with css eric guru meyer by 8 users
- O'Reilly Network: DOCTYPE Explained
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- Print Different
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- Pure CSS Menus
in Public bookmarks with css edge eric menus meyer meyerweb mozilla pure by 2 users
- Pure CSS Popups
in Public bookmarks with css eric hover meyer popups pure rollover by 5 users
- Redesign Watch
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- Rounding Tab Corners (Complex Spiral Consulting)
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- S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System
in Public bookmarks with eric meyer powerpoint ppt presentation s5 show slide standards-based by 7 users
- Steal These Buttons, Too
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- WebReview.com: Making Styles and Tables Play Nice
in Public bookmarks with css eric meyer styles tables webreview
- WebReview.com: Style Sheet Reference Guide
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