- Free! Icons for your website or application -- MaxPower
List of free icons
The list below represents some amazing work by various artists who have made their work available to the general public for a variety of uses. These icons are all free. There are literally hundreds of websites that will sell you icons that are royalty free for whatever purpose you desire. However, royalty [...]
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in Web with development images open-source by 21 users
- Google Web Toolkit
Build AJAX apps in the Java language
in Web with ajax development java javascript by 29 users
- google-collections
New collections library from google.
in Libraries with development java library license-apache by 2 users
- Gradle
Gradle is a build system which provides: * A very flexible general purpose build tool like Ant. * Switchable, build-by-convention frameworks a la Maven (for Java and Groovy projects). But we never lock you in! * Powerful support for multi-project builds. * Powerful dependency management (based on Apache Ivy). * Full support for your existing Maven or Ivy repository infrastructure. * Support for transitive dependency management without the need for remote repositories and pom.xml or ivy.xml files (optional). * Ant tasks as first class citizens. * Groovy build scripts.
in Tools with development groovy java license-apache open-source tools by 2 users
- Hillside.net
Online Pattern Catalog
The Hillside Group is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to improving human communication about computers by encouraging people to codify common programming and design practice. We sponsor conferences like PLoP, EuroPLoP, UP, ChiliPLoP, Mensore PLoP, KoalaPLoP and SugarLoafPLoP
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in Reference > Patterns with development pattern
- Home - Lambda Probe
Tool for monitoring and managing tomcat
Lambda Probe - Open source Tomcat management and monitoring tool
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in Tools with development java library tools by 2 users
- Home - MC4J Wiki
MC4J is a project to create management software for J2EE application servers and other Java applications. It is designed to utilize the JMX specification to connect to and introspect information within supported servers and applications. It provides the ability to browse existing managed beans (MBeans), update configurations, monitor operation and execute tasks.
Home - MC4J is a JMX Management Console for Java applications and J2EE Application Server
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in Tools with development java jmx open-source
- How To Minimize Your Javascript and CSS Files for Faster Page Loads by Max Kiesler
in Web with articles development javascript reference web-authoring
- hudson
Hudson: an extensible continuous integration engine
in Tools with development java open-source by 2 users
- IBM software architect kit
Architecture resources from IBM
in Reference with architecture development tocheck
- iCal4j
iCal4j is a Java library used to read and write iCalendar data streams as defined in RFC2445
A Java library for reading and writing iCalendar data streams
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in Libraries with development java library
- ImageMagick
Convert, Edit, and Compose Images
in Tools with development images tools by 14 users
- Interface elements for jQuery
Similar to scripatalous for prototype
in Libraries with development javascript jquery library open-source web-authoring by 5 users
- iScreen
The Java Object Validation Framework
in Libraries with development java library open-source
- iText, a Free Java-PDF Library: Home Page
pdf library
in Libraries with development java open-source by 4 users
- JAAS Book, Java Authentication and Authorization
Unpublished book on JAAS
in Reference with development java reference security
- Jagacy Software - Screen scraper
Java based screen scraping library
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in Libraries with development java library
- Janino
an Embedded Java[TM] Compiler
in Tools with compiler development java script
- Java decompilers and obfuscators
List of decompilers and objuscators
in Reference with development java reference
- Java Parallel Processing Framework Home Page
JPPF is a grid toolkit for Java that makes it easy to run applications in parallel, and speed up their execution by orders of magnitude. Write once, deploy once, execute everywhere!
An open-source, Java-based, framework for parallel computing.
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in Frameworks with development framework java
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